The person below me.... Part 2

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not sure....we own it but I'm not sure I've watched it yet

The person below me is excited because any minute now they are leaving on a road trip!
True but never made it over the bridge...

The person below me is flying to Oklahoma Sunday, then back to California to meet some Canadains then their wife is flying to Las Vegas and the kids have about a billion things going on and not to mention they have this thing called a JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <oooops sorry about that>
False...only because it sounds too much like fungus and I have no idea what fugu is...

The person below me took out their ink cartrige and got into a fight with it, and obviously lost because there is now ink all over the desk...
False. I have actually been doing the opposite. I've passed the 24 hour mark and it's only a matter of hours before I will be fast asleep in the car on the way home with ALL of the stuff in my dorm room which is now mostly in boxes in the hallway outside my room. Yay for packing all night! T_T

The person below me can't wait for vacation to start. =D
True-ish... My vacation is not until July....

The person below me was excited to see team 1 down four bosses last night in Karazhan!!
False and I know this will shock everyone, I am seldom want for words....

The person below me like the BBC series Robin Hood.
True, and I'm disappointed when the extras are scant or non-existent on the DVD.

The person below me likes widescreen format better than normal.
True. Just something about it that makes me like it better...and my laptop is widescreen.

The person below me loves to go shopping.

The person below me has met now over 12 people from Redeemed live and in person <waves to FJ and Itsuka><prepares for 3 more coming this weekend>
/cry false! i want to.... o btw when im driving to NC with my dad im going to post our trip plan so yall can see if ya can meet up with us

the person below me is really depressed the patch didnt come out
patch? what patch? noobs don't follow that stuff....

the person below me doesn't know anything about the patch either.......
Tru-ish. i only know what others tell me. my thought on patches is they can change at any moment so I don't worry until they are live.

The person below me is craving sushi.
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