The person below me.... Part 2

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False, I see little to no need to watch anything on TV that is not either A. Live or B. Mythbusters.

The person below me knows if the Myth about getting out of your car when you drive off a bridge was busted or confirmed.
False, but I love Mythbusters! Did you see the one where they tried to blow up a cellphone in a gasoline fumes environment?

The person below me will tell me if the myth Icthus is reffering to was busted or confirmed.
As I recall it was confirmed or plausible. It was kinda freaky watching Adam 'drown' because he couldn't open the car door until the interior filled up with water. They did a bunch of tests trying out different ways to handle the situation. Best call was to either open your door as soon as the car hits the water and before it starts to sink or lower your window so that the car fills with water and equalizes the pressure inside and outside. Then you can open the door and get out before it's full of water. Of course, the best way to handle it is not to drive off a bridge in the first place. I think you can d/l some of the videos of Adam's 'crash test dummy' runs on the Mythbuster's website.

The person below me watched their Ninja myth show...and logged on the website to see the clip with the 'Ask a Ninja' ninja.
False, but boy did I really want to see that one....

The person below me saw the wooden cannon episode and can tell us how it ended.
True...would love to be able to do that one day...

The person below me got front row tickets to the San Fransico Giants game and saw the Giants blow the lead at the end...
False, I cannot allow myself to be that close to the god Baal, the great Satan or the Anti-sports-Christ known as the player not to be named in a Giants Uniform. And no I do not have anger issues....

The person below me has no idea what I just said or what I was talking about and truly thinks I have some kind of substance abuse issue.
True and False, Unless you are talk about the One and only Bonds. Then False , false

The person below me remembers who one the 1989 World Series and why it was so rememberable.
Tralse, I don't remember who won, but I remember that there was an earthquake during one of the games.

The person below me knows who won, and will now tell us.
True, Oakland four games to none of SF which is why the earthquake in the bay area made that such a HUGE deal. (Side Item fact- you can actually mountian bike or hike to the epicenter of that quake)

The person below has not been in an earthquake.
Tralse. I've been in a magnitude 5.1 earthquake, but that's nothing compared to what you get in the bay area.

The person below me has been in more than one tornado, and actually saw one of them.
False only been in one, my sister got a pebble imbedded in her scalp since it was a little windy. I've seen many...really like the movie Twister.

The person below me loves to watch storms.

Lightning stuck less then a dozen feet from me. The person below has had lightning stike even closer to them then I.
Maybe... I didn't see it per say. I heard it and didn't hear much else for a few hours but most likely a little more than 12 feet.

The person below me has had fried SPAM.
Most likely true.

an FYI, lightning struck a tree just outside my tent. Deafening yes, blinding yes, hot, yes, scary without a doubt. It happened to be a rather violent storm and my brother had just gone from the tent to the camper (we were no more then 12 at the time) and I was wide awake counting the tenths of seconds between the light and sound whent this particularly nasty lightning hit. It hit a tree just outside the front of my tent, the air was amazingly charged and the whole of my world inside of the tent went brilliantly white then horrifingly black and quiet. I had been just looking in the direction of the lightning stike. Surely had I had the flaps open and been looking outside at the tree, I'd have gone blind. The next morning, we surveyed the camper and the campsite. The tree was split in two and the ground charred black. The camper had a charred entrance point and the truck a blown tire.

That summer we experienced some of the most amazing electrical storms I've ever seen or heard. The lightning I saw over Lake Winnipeg later was cloud to cloud but the type that started as one spoke and broke off into hundreds or thousands and spines as it travelled. It was earie and creepy. I've never seen such spectacular electrical storms since.

Anyway, the person below has experienced a tornado up close and personal, that is, within a mile of touch down.
False. and no desire to either.

the person below me believes that if we can harness a lightning storm, we could solve to energy problem.
True-ish. If we could harness the energy of a quasar....that'd be even better.

The person below me knows what at a quasar is.
True, its a quasi-stellar radio source. They produce more energy than all of the stars in the Milky Way.

The person below me knows the name of the area around a black hole where not even light escapes.
True, I think. I believe that would be the event horizon.

The person below me has seen the Disney movie 'The Black Hole'.
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