The person below me.... Part 2

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False. And LoL, my ringback tone is "White and Nerdy".

The person below me wants my cellphone number so they can hear my ringback tone.
ringback tone? I don't know if I want to hear that from somebody who's ring tone is "White and Nerdy" LOL, but if you insist, sure.

The person below has done gone scuba diving in the arctic.
False. That implies that I had to have watched the expansion trailer.

The person below me is living out of boxes for the next couple of weeks.
False, but I do understand your pain.

The person below me is excited Meli got four "purple" drops last night.
True, but not on purpose.

The person below me has lived in more than four states (provinces for those american-challenged).
True: West Virginia, Missouri, Florida, and Nevada. (and throw in Germany for 3 years as a bonus)

The person below me has been to a Star Trek Convention.
False but I was at an Anime Convention 3 weeks ago. =D

The person below me understands why someone would spend over $200 on a purse or wallet.

Work disabled the internet filter for media SO I AM FREE TO SPAM AT WORK!!!!

The person below me is as thrilled as I am.
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Ah.. the lyrics from a hip-hop song that should have said.. "Party like a rap star..."

I like rock!

The person below me spams more than Grodester does.
True and trust me it is not easy do not attempt this at home I am a professional.

The person below me knows what Odale does for a job.
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