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  • The Mighty Gerbil
    The Mighty Gerbil reacted to Hescominsoon's post in the thread prayer request with Like Like.
    i am nearly blind due to cataracts. along with this my license has been taken and i have lost half of my income. i do have my first...
  • Tek7
    Tek7 replied to the thread Forum Security in the age of AI.
    I haven't found a source that verifies that Discord is selling user data to AI companies, but I certainly wouldn't put it past them...
  • Tek7
    Tek7 reacted to Hescominsoon's post in the thread Forum Security in the age of AI with Like Like.
    keep in mind discord selss ALL text to ai companies. Ai is not true ai....we are a long way away. the forums are more secure as they...
  • Tek7
    Tek7 replied to the thread prayer request.
    Praying for you, sir. :'(
  • Tek7
    Tek7 reacted to Hescominsoon's post in the thread prayer request with Like Like.
    i am nearly blind due to cataracts. along with this my license has been taken and i have lost half of my income. i do have my first...
  • Hescominsoon
    keep in mind discord selss ALL text to ai companies. Ai is not true ai....we are a long way away. the forums are more secure as they...
  • Hescominsoon
    i am nearly blind due to cataracts. along with this my license has been taken and i have lost half of my income. i do have my first...
  • Captain_Tea
    Captain_Tea reacted to Tek7's post in the thread UT3 server with Like Like.
    I doubt there would be much interest in UT3 after Epic delisted Unreal games and canceled plans to make UT3 available for free. This...
  • Tek7
    Tek7 replied to the thread UT3 server.
    I doubt there would be much interest in UT3 after Epic delisted Unreal games and canceled plans to make UT3 available for free. This...
  • Tek7
    Tek7 replied to the thread UT4.
    Epic abandoned it, but it's still possible to install UT4, update it with the unofficial patch, and play on live servers. The unofficial...
  • Tek7
    Tek7 replied to the thread cts clan.
    Welcome to the forums, @TimVader ! I'll go ahead and ping @[cTs] Smolar to increase the visibility.
  • Captain_Tea
    Captain_Tea replied to the thread UT4.
    Looks like the project is dead...
  • Captain_Tea
    Captain_Tea replied to the thread UT3 server.
    Found a couple places that will still host one.
  • Captain_Tea
    Captain_Tea posted the thread UT4 in General Discussion [toj].
    Even though epic shut down the master server UT4 is still alive at
  • Captain_Tea
    I’ve been thinking about resurrecting our old UT3 server. Is anyone interested in playing?