The person below me.... Part 2

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The person below me has more than five guildies on his/her Friends list, and feels guilty at the thought of taking them off because THEY'RE FRIENDS while realizing that having them there doesn't really accomplish anything because they're guildies and you get their logon/logoff notifications anyhow...

False! The moment someone becomes a guildie they immediately come off the friends list!

The person below me purposefully adds guildies to their friends list (or ignore list, for that matter - hey don't lie you guys!!)!
True. I'm with Gilga on the "they're on my friends list and in the guild and I feel bad taking them off my friends list" sorta thing.

Avesther....the guild was Sword of Fate.

The person below me wants to stay outside in the sun all day.
True, I went bike riding with my roommate around town, and it's really nice outside today (although very overcast).

The person below me hasn't read the daily Bible passages yet (I haven't yet :( ).
True....I was looking at the map to get to California...and the ocean was on it!
<and I hope the Ipod isn't cheating because I listen to them online instead of actually reading them too>

The person below me planted something in their garden today. (I'm going to plant some sweetpea (flower) seeds)
False, I understand how gross every kind of tomato is. (makes yucky face)

The person below me wants to see Goblit and Avesther while they are on their trip to the States.
TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to meeet them at the beach and show them the non-snowy part of the world.

The person below me lives in also and wants to do the same, and show the ropes of the O.C. of high times, traffic(hope you don't drive stick shift :\), and great looking girls :) (ok that last part is for me :)...)
False, ugh LA traffic FTL. The NorCal guys will show them the easy side of life....

The person below me has driven thru LA and it only took 3 hours.
True. I think, On a sunday morning, my dad and I drove clear through there to visit a Aunt up in Nor. Cal, which is the easier side in life, laid back up there, some times I envy that, but I love my fast lane here as well. Here in So. Cal you can drive, text-message, eat, and talk to the person next to you all at once, while blasting your I guess I learned how to multitask well lol.

The person below me can do the same.
True, although I prefer to keep the drivers' around me safe by not doing them.

The person below me doesn't want to be in traffic with Grode.
True. I don't like seeing people doing that much at once. Driving and talking to people in the car with me with the radio on is just enough for me.

The person below me has been thinking about the future way too much.
True, having a kid has caused me to dwell on the future quite a bit.

The person below me has seen the pic of my son (above) and thought,"that is one cute kid!"
True! He must get it from his mom:) j/k:P

The person below me thinks goblit and avesther need to roadtrip all around the US on tour so more of us get to meet them! hehe
Having been one of the few that have seen a photo of Avesther... False.... J/k.

The person below wonders why often.....
True. I wonder why about alot of things.

The person below me is going to visit The Sierra's and Lake Tahoe in the near future.
I like cheese, but have never heard of vermont shart cheddar.... I do like sharp cheddar.

The person below me has a son who loves to say "I like Cheese" trying to be funny.
Frue, He just likes to say,"Cheeeeeese!" like he is doing in pic and whenever we pass Chuck E. Cheese's he says,"Cheese, Cheese, CHeese!"

The person below me has spent way to many tokens at Chuck E. Cheese's
False. I have actually never been to Chuck E. Cheese. I've always gone to the other places like it but never there.

The person below me was shocked and appalled with my answer... >.>
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