The person below me.... Part 2

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false, i got up at 7:45 this morning...and hated every second of getting up that early.

the person below me listens to classic rock when they play WOW
false. news doesn't impact your faith, only the ability to accept reality

the person below me grew up watching peter jennings
Tralse. He was on that ABC news thing but eventually I grew out of watching the news cuz my mom wanted to and we'd watch the WB during dinner instead. =P

The person below me enjoys shopping at a craft store. =D
False, I don't like shopping at any store (except Best Buy and The Home Depot).

The person below me woke up to a couple of inches of snow this morning.
False. I'm still full from my lunch....and I'll probably end up eating rice and cauliflower I "stole" from the dining commons last night. Mmm....vegetables. =D

The person below thinks I'm weird for liking and eating my vegetables. =O
False. I love veggies, especially on pizza and with red meat....

The person below me is addicted to this thread.
tfalse alot of family issues but still God is good

the person below me wisses taht they lived in washington so they could meet the amazing galatians!
errr False, I have a 12 year old daughter and the thought of you two hanging out scares me. Guild chat would be one massive spam fest.

The person below shook in fear thinking of my daughter and Gal in guild chat at the same time.
true! i don't know your daughter, but aren't all 12 year old girls the same?

the person below me has played the game F.E.A.R.
false i want to

ok icthus r u saying i talk as much as a 12 yr old girl? cause thats cold

the person below me is wondering y icthus said if his daughter got on guild channel and i was on that it would be a spam festival when it already is pure spam
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false I think, I dont understand that sentence:P Guild chat is full of enough spam already, save it for the forums:)

The person below me wishes people never got mods to greet everyone and congratulate everyone that dings:P
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