The person below me.... Part 2

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True....they taste like dirt and are gritty like sand in your teeth.

The person below me has eaten buffalo. son is too old for egg hunts but I hid all the chocolate I got him in his bed, in the pillows under the blankets etc. and told him the "Bunny" told me he had to change the sheets to get any of it (can you say manipulation hehe.)

The person below me likes milk chocolate the best!
True, but then again as a young child my dog killed a rabbit on easter morning and brought it to me. That might explain somethings....

The person below me thougth about throwing up after that story.
False. I've heard worse stories....I'm sure.

The person below me thinks the following true story is funny....

My friend Sarah and I were walking back from dinner in the commons on Saturday and not wearing nearly enough clothing to be outside. I see something come out of a bush and take a few seconds to realize what it is....a baby bunny! We walk over as quietly as we can to get a better look at it and squeal in delight. Mind you it's still really cold our entire conversation was as follows.

Sarah: It's sooooo cute!
Me: It's sooooooo cold!

Sometimes it was me saying the bunny was cute but you get the jist of this...we decided later that we were both dorks for that because we stayed out there for at least 5 minutes doing that. >.>
False, I spent that time having my friend help me set up a pre-burning crusade private server :D I now have a level 255 orc warrior and a level 255 undead priest.

The person below me has played on a private server before.
False, a 255 warrior? One shot Onyxia?

The person below me has the doors and windows open today because it is so beautiful.
False, I enjoy remaining warm in the middle of Global cooling. (It can't be warming because it sure ain't warming up where I am).

Ok, not going to bring up climate change.

The person below me knows what a block heater is.
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