The person below me.... Part 2

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True, you only have to play with me once to learn not to follow Goblit, she is directionally challenged.

The person below me has a myspace.
False. Penn State is cold enough for me at times. Still can't believe I had to pull out my winter jacket....AGAIN! ~.~

The person below me is bitter as well because they too had to pull out their warmer winter clothes. ~.~
True, just ears and fingers and toes...and not severe enough for amputation....but boy does it burn.

The person below me has blistered from a sunburn.
True... and I dodge the effects every year now....

The person below me is going to see the Mirakle twins today!!! yeah 4 me!!

the person below me wonders if "April showers bring May flowers" was referring to snow showers because they are experiencing this right now also.
Nope, the skies are the darkest of dark Navy Blues where i am...

The person below me is expiriencing..... weather.......

True, Sunday!'s the next to last day of your youth.'s the anniversary of the day that changed eternity. Praise God!

The person below me knows the exquisite thrill of hearing your child pray to accept Christ as his/her savior.
True....kind of. I've seen many people accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through my fellowship and hope that one day, I will get to watch someone really close to me accept Him as well.

The person below me will tell us their favorite praise song.
False, unless you consider singing while doing the dishes a musical.

The person below me is amazed at the beauty of the stars, and all of God's creation.
True, but if you are good like me, you don't need it.

The person below me is going to church tomorrow.
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