The person below me.... Part 2

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True and it's spelled Baliwood. =P I watched a few with my Indian friends back in high school.

The person below me can't wait for Summer vacation. >.>
False, i am a bit old, but my kids will be going.

The person below me thinks school is over rated in general.
TRUE! School is an institution designed to teach people to conform and follow, not encourage them to be creative and develop leadership skills.

The person below me loves horsebackriding
True, although its been 2 years since I've been riding.

The person below me gets more info from The History Channel and Discovery Science channel than they do from the news.
True. Once I get out of college and have a job and am living on my own, I'm DEFINITELY making myself hot breakfasts every morning before work. =D

The person below me thinks cooking/baking is a lot of fun. =)
Tralse, i like when other people do it the baking. I only cook with an open flame.

The person below me is considering selling everything and sailing around the world, but WoW might just keep them from doing it...
I ain't no sailor, so there is no sailing in my future, unless you mean via a cruise ship, but is that really sailing? Isn't that like having a summer home as big and luxurious as your city home with all the amenaties (sp?) like Satalite TV, telephone and a high speed internet connection for WoW and calling that camping or roughing it?

The person below has slept under the stars in winter where the temperature was 40'f or below.
false, i slept in my bed with 2 fans on because I'm crazy.

the person below me is going to eat a ton of candy this weekend...
Tralse, I gave up junk food for Lent, but Lent is over this I probably will on Sunday.

The person below me has played the Monkey Island series.
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