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  1. L

    Serious MC Set back

    This toon may no longer be apart of the guild...but I thought I'd pass along some news to you all. After speaking with Goblit last night, she was still a little hurt how things happened on Saturday, but has assured me that she will return to Redeemed. That being said you don't have to...
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    Serious MC Set back

    Rico I agree 100% with your post...thanks for your post and insight!
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    Serious MC Set back

    I agree 100% with this statement, but you need to keep that out of the game...if you don't like that person keep it to yourself...having a bash sesssion or click that oust that persons or negatively affects that person knowingly or unknowingly is wrong. Which is where I have a problem. NO ONE...
  4. L

    Serious MC Set back

    Unfortunately, this issue is still needing to be resolved...Personally I HATE DRAMA I left Holy Roman Knights because of it, and joined Redeemed thinking that perhaps maybe, just maybe there would be some freedom to play WoW without the drama, but I have personally found myself frustrated and...
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    /bumpage I thought this was a good thread idea but maybe I over did it or something.
  6. L

    To Lilminihaha

    Jimmeny Cricket, Gnimish, I forgave you 40x's kewl, man, I'm not mad at ya. i was just taken aback and all...but it's water under the bridge and I hold no ill toward take a's all gravy!@
  7. L

    Bank character fashion

    LilMinihaha a lvl 5 Rogue *Thanks to Chinese New Year Quest* is dressed in a Purple Chinese New year Dress...bare hair Princess Leia Style...oh yeah there is something about Chinese style that appeals to me...
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    Blue Light is still running....
  9. L

    Signing up for Redeemed's first MC run

    So these trash runs won't net us much of anything and we are only cleaning up what HK doesn't do on Wednesday Night? Okay just me, but I have a small issue with that. What are the chances drops worth wild drop from "trash mobs"? Just a little concern i have...cause if the chance of drops is...
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    Tough Scorpid Armor

    I think Deedria has all the patterns that I will gladly give to someone else if they can use them. Just let me know
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    Attention Enchanter we have a Blue Light Special on all your enchanting supplies today...just take a look below at the wonderous deal we have for you today. Enchanting Supply..........Units.......Price Strange Dust.....................101.........50s/stack Soul Dust...
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    The Pains of Youth

    Well at least I have one thing going for
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    Has Anyone Noticed?

    I stand corrected...guilty as charged...however I never ever berate a healer in fact I usually say nothing if anything goes wrong...but if things are going very very well...the healer gets lots of love from me...doesn't matter who they are... Instance...Malfurion 60 Restro Druid was my healer...
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    GuildAds Version 2 alpha guide

    Hey Tek, it looks really useful...tell me more about it please.
  15. L

    The Pains of Youth

    Not to do with braces...but Sassy....Polandria and I really miss you whole bunches...we hope that you can rejoin us in game in the near future. <BIG HUG> Oh and about Memorial Day Weekend, even though I will have just had surgery...Polandria and I would be more than happy to meet up with...
  16. L

    Worship Ideas

    Okay this post is meant to be a joke... What about making videos....WoW-like...we can call it Christians Gone Wild... But as a serious request... We can do some singing...I don't mind singing...given that I'm not the only one...
  17. L

    Epic Weapons for Everybody!

    I am in need of some better of right now I am using Lifeforce Dirk and Barman Shank....while I am glad to have dual daggers I am up for anything that will help me hit harder, more often, and make me a better DPS Machine...Okay...I want to be a leather wearing...
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    (Probably) ending my days playing the AH market

    Master Yoda I am in need of mad money making skillz...bless me with your 733tn3$$ so that I may be one with the Bank.
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    Signing up for Redeemed's first MC run

    I R Confusaled....why r there 2 MC Sign up Threads? '><' Head.....hurting....OWOWOWOWOWOWOW
  20. L

    Has Anyone Noticed?

    Maybe it's just me, but I was wondering if anyone noticed how much control Priests have on Stonemaul. I have tried numerous times over the past few days to do various HI Instance Runs (PUG) and I can get everything except for a healer. Now I know Resto Druids and Holy Pallies are good stand...