(Probably) ending my days playing the AH market

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Though I've earned approximately 125g buying and re-selling on the AH, I hope to stop playing the AH market this week and get back to preparing Ulfbrikt for level 40.

I have a few items that I'm willing to sell to guildies at half the buyout, as listed by Auctioneer.

Here are the items and prices:
If you would like to purchase any of these items, please send an in-game mail to Spenser with the name of the item you want to purchase. I will then send the item COD.

I have several auctions ending tonight at 11 p.m. Central. I will reply with items from expired auctions here as soon as possible.

If no one purchases these items before Wednesday morning, I will re-list them on the AH. If they do not sell after one more auction, I will probably disenchant them or donate them to the guild bank.

EDIT: Removed Large Glimmering Shard since Mirakle purchased it.
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UPDATE: Raptor Hide Belt and Cat Carrier (Siamese) sold to guild members and removed from previous lists.

Lilminihaha said:
Master Yoda I am in need of mad money making skillz...bless me with your 733tn3$$ so that I may be one with the Bank.
Maybe after classes end, I graduate, and find a job, I'll sit down and write up a lengthy guide on buying and re-selling to make gold in WoW. In the meantime, I'll send you a link to an article with some of the techniques I use (but won't post it here as it includes a link to a gold-selling site).