The Pains of Youth


New Member
Okay how many people have had braces at one time or another? I just got mine off today and had the idea we can all share that wonderful adventures we had with them.. but as i must say im afraid my retains might just drive me INSANE!!They hurt more then the braces and the braces hurt more then anything when they came off whats up with this!!:(
the title of this thread says it all..." The Pains of Youth" :)

I went through this as well but it was so long ago its like another life.

The good news, that in years to come, the pain will all be gone and you will have beautiful teeth to smile with. The self-confidence boost will be worth any pain you are going through.
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i had bracers a few years back. i had them for only 2 years so i constantly having them tightened and that was painful.
i still get a mild case of that if i were my retainer one night. but i dont were it that often, mostly becasue i forget to put it in.
if you wear it often enough and never let the teeth move id imagine the pain would never come
I have not yet had the chance to expirence braces, however we are moving in a few days and my dad said that the first thing we are going to do is get me in some :(. It's not that I don't want them, I know that they will fix my teeth, I just really don't want to go through the pain of having them at all :(. But I guess there is nothing I can do about it so o well.
Lol /comfort Sorry Cheeso but it doesnt hurt when they put them on but when they take them off they like pop them and pull and then they scrap ur teeth free of cement then they put the stuff they took off back on with a wire its like crazy!! but Camm i agree i should wear they retainer the first 24 hours no way i cant sleep with it in and im not wearing them the whole day at school so ohh well boo hoo i'll be in them for the rest of my life not wearing them for 24 hours wont kill me...Now you Bannard thats just EVIL that you didnt not FAIR NOT FAIR!!
I never had braces either......but then my teeth probably don't look as nice as yours do now either. I think you are lucky.
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Lol thanks Goblit but you know what the teeth dont make the person they're kinda superficial they just help the outter image which isnt what counts its the inner image that does! wait a sec didnt i start this for the youth in the forums hehe
Are you saying I'm too old?.......pshaw....I don't act old....I don't look old......I don't feel old.....No comment from the peanut gallery Godspeon.
Lol you know actually alot of young people act old and alot of old people act young so i guess in a why you could say im the old one and your all the young ones..
Sassperilla said:
you know what the teeth dont make the person they're kinda superficial they just help the outter image which isnt what counts its the inner image that does!

That's what I tell my parrents, but as a very young lad I was born with my thumb in my mouth, thus my jaw is very narrow having grown over my thumb rather then growing over my tongue.

I really wouldn't mind getting my teeth straightened though, I have a very odd looking tooth (it juts out like a vampire fang), and I will admit that it looks quite odd.
<~~~ The OTHER peanut gallery. I never had bracers either. Theres this ONE tooth thats out of alignment... but thats it!
Oh thats so unfair i only had an over bite and a couple places i needed like a milimeter of space yet i had them for A YEAR AND HALF!!!!! wheres the fairness! And Cheeseo that sounds cool
Not to do with braces...but Sassy....Polandria and I really miss you whole bunches...we hope that you can rejoin us in game in the near future.


Oh and about Memorial Day Weekend, even though I will have just had surgery...Polandria and I would be more than happy to meet up with ya and do lunch or whatever...that is if your folks are kewl with you meeting strangers...aka Fello WoW players.

Anyways just wanted to know that you are thought about often and sorely missed.

Lol thats cool Mini when i get more info ill e-mail it to you or have Goblit tell ya she can play messenger if its okay with her but yea i think if you came to the hotel/house we're at i dont think she'll mind if she meets you.. keep in mind i said think and me thinking is BAD plus your in the Military she likes military people thinks that they're "respectable"
Yea poor Mini he's got nothing going for him but being respectable hehe just kidding you know thats not true but im warning you my mom owns a few guns you might want bullet proof armor
/raise hand
yeah, i had braces for two years...they are no fun...not only did i have to have two teeth pulled, but i also had to have part of my gums cut out so another tooth would grow in...and then my dentist jammed this spring up between two teeth to push them apart...needless to say, i was WAY happy to be done with braces! and i dont wear my retainers either and my teeth are still fine. i actually found them a couple days ago, and i can hardly get them in my mouth because my teeth moved a little, oh well! you can't really tell...
Lol Sabriel but you see my brothers dont wear theirs and one of them found theirs under the shrink covered in iky stuff so i think im just gonna wear them for a while at the start and then every other day maybe