Has Anyone Noticed?


New Member
Maybe it's just me, but I was wondering if anyone noticed how much control Priests have on Stonemaul.

I have tried numerous times over the past few days to do various HI Instance Runs (PUG) and I can get everything except for a healer. Now I know Resto Druids and Holy Pallies are good stand in healers...but there are times when nothing beats a good ole Priest heals/buffs. Prayer of Fortitude FTW.

I have tried my best not to get frustrated, but it's hard...example. This morning at 1230/0100 Server Time there were 68 priests online...and not a single one of them wanted to do groups. It was really hard to imagine. i mean so hard in fact that my mind thought back to the old NES version of Final Fantasy and Said...hmmm 4 White Mages...sure why not... ROFL

I can imagine a 40 Man Raid Group full of Priest sweeping thru MC/BWL/AQ40.


Okay i think I've said enough for now...just wanted to see if anyone else noticed what I did or maybe if it was my mind is a thick haze.


Priests know that they are the main healer and the lives of the people in the groups lay in their hands. Its quite easy for that power to go straight to their heads.
Just about any of the non raid content can be main healed by a competent paladin or druid, though priests definitely make it a easier. You should have been playing shortly after release though, like two months or so after the game was out there would be maybe 5 level 60 priests on at a time, most of them already in a group.

It is pretty similar to a Warrior, most people will only take a warrior as a main tank, while a druid or a paladin can do a passable job at most of the 5 man instances. Sometimes unorthadox groups work out just fine if everyone in the group works together.
Learn to love druids/pallies they can do the job fine as well. Remember to assist the tank, if you are pulling agro ease up on dps. If there is an add running around let the the cc/tank deal with it.
Paladins definately have a harder time holding aggro, same with feral druids but not so much. You just have to patient with them, also druids and paladins can heal just fine :).
Playing a priest (or any healer for that manner) well is not as easy as everybody assumes and PUGs are generally the bane of thier existance. As a general rule, I no longer accept PUG invitations unless I know most of the people in the PUG. The last thing I need is some punk to decide to have a hissy fit all over me because they died. While it is appreciated to be wanted, the lack of appreciation of what it takes to be a good healer is what steers me away from PUGing it anymore.
Also, with my handy dandy calculator here, Paladins with Kings > Priests Fort. If you have 5000 hp base and you have kings cast on you, that gives you an additional 750 hp. Whereas fort only gives you 540. The warlocks improved Imp buff, can give up to 780 hp (regular is 420hp). Fortitude isnt the best thing out there.
I stand corrected...guilty as charged...however I never ever berate a healer in fact I usually say nothing if anything goes wrong...but if things are going very very well...the healer gets lots of love from me...doesn't matter who they are...

Instance...Malfurion 60 Restro Druid was my healer for a 6.5 hr BRD Hell Run...It was quite literally one of the hardest things I have ever done in one setting. I was the Main Tank of sorts...my back up was 2 hunters (LaurensArmy and I can't recall the other guy...but he has a pet turtle named Turtle) and a Mage...Tophet from Holy Roman Knights. Let me tell you that group was outstanding...I would put it on the same level as a guild run...we were synchronized...bound and determined. We died shortly after trying to kill Bael'Gar 3 times, but over all it was a fantastic experience. if given the chance to have that team again...if the guild wasn't availble I would do it in a heart beat.

But yes...I agree with the points made and perhaps i should be on the look out for more variety in my healing searches in the future.

Thanks Guys,

I think all major instances except maybe BWL have been completed with groups consisting of only one single class.
That means MC and Ony have been done with raid groups of only priests, shamans, druids, or paladins.
There are probably some videos of these cases found on warcraftmovies.com
Tips and information for playing with a paladin as a main healer in a 5 man instance run.
  • Do not go unless the Paladins mana pool is larger then their hit points.
  • Do not go if the Paladin is expected to be the tank and the main healer.
  • Paladins are great single target healers. That means the tank should be the only one with agro.
  • Holy Light is preferred over the paladins other blessing if they are the main healer. At 60, Holy light heals an additional 115 for Flash of Light and 400 for Holy Light.
  • We have no AOE heals or Heals over Time.
  • All paladins have one instant heal on a one hour timer that drains all their mana. Holy specialized paladins may have Holy Shock which is an expensive low healing instant spell on a 30 second timer. So don't expect to get instantly healed.
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