
New Member
Attention Enchanter we have a Blue Light Special on all your enchanting supplies today...just take a look below at the wonderous deal we have for you today.

Enchanting Supply..........Units.......Price

Strange Dust.....................101.........50s/stack
Soul Dust ..........................80..........1.5g/stack
Dream Dust.......................11...........7g/stack
Vision Dust........................56...........5.5g/stack
Illusion Dust......................13............15g/stack

Greater Magic Essence........ 35..........2g/stack
Lesser Magic Essence..........1.......... Make Offer
Greater Mystic Essence.......10......... 9g/stack
Lesser Mystic Essence........ 2........... Make Offer
Greater Astral Essence........ 7........... 15g/stack
Lesser Astral Essence......... 2........... Make Offer
Greater Eternal Essence.......1...........11.5g/each

Large Glimmering Shard....... 2........... 1.5g/each
Small Gimmering Shard.........15..........1.5g/stack
Large Brilliant Shard............ 4........... 5g/each
Small Glowing Shard........... 2........... 15s/each
Small Radiant Shard........... 2........... 4.5g/each

These prices can be discussed...and are not final...but I have tried to already include a guild member discount to these items.

Now i know how we all love the AH...if someone wishes to have I will wait for anyone else who may also wish to buy the item....due to time people get one it's only fair to give everyone a fair shot.

After i receive 2 purchase requests for an will be locked and those 2 individual will have a bid war to see who gets it...if that doesn't suit your fancy we could always do a /random 1-100 *wink*

Well I hope to see you all this evening.

God Bless

*I am kidding ofcourse about the bid war...I don't want to run an AH on Forums...but if someone else does want a few of the forementioned items just hook up a fellow guildee or something...*
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I'm an enchanter and I keep a minimal stock of dust\essense\shards on hand. Basically, a personal stash consisting of Large Brilliant shards, Illusion\Dream dust, Eternal and Mystic Essenses. Stuff I need to enchant newly acquired items. Thats it. If I were big on selling enchants, I'd hop on and buy some stuff and sell enchants.

In the end, the only reason I'm in a capital city is to repair items, swap inventory, put stuff on the AH, hit the BG Queue and take the next flight out, regardless of where it is going. I find Capital cities too noisy for me. And I really don't want to compete with all the enchanters selling their services.