The person below me.... Part 2

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Which leaves us to wonder if he really likes watermelon or not?

The person below me thinks Icthus really does like watermelon.
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VERY true....anything with eel in the sushi family is a must for me. :)

The person below me has had sashimi and knows what the difference between sushi and sashimi is.
True! and it was delicious....highly recommend this establishment.

The person below me has always wanted to visit Canada and stop in and see Goblit and Avesther!
True? I've wanted to visit Canada to see family up there but I've wanted to do that for a long time. But I want to visit Goblit and Avesther now too! =P

The person below me has their passport.
The farthest west i've been is georgia and north is Virginia. I'm a true southern boy.

The person below me would buy a guildie a new cordless logitech mx700 keyboard to replace their currently broken one. *wink*
Oh false
i am pretty computer illiterate...teee hheee heee

The person below me Thinks Papatoad Rocks :)
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I would actually like to meet any of my fellow guildies.

The person below me secretly has access to Camm's account and has secretly transferred all his gold to another toon.

The person below me is ready to believe the theory that the reason why the persons account whom Melinarlia has access to is broke because Melinarlia has transferred all his\her gold to her accounts!

The person below me is level 70 and still does not have an epic riding mount.
( though it happen to me in the army once (ONCE!)

The person below me has a hole in thier sock, and they don't really match anymore............
Kinda True.

I'm not sure when the internet started but I can remember a time before I had heard of the internet.

The person below me likes anchovies on their pizza.
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