The person below me.... Part 2

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<sigh> True, so true

The person below me has hit somebody with a golf ball on the links, and I don't mean throwing a ball at somebody.
False ... that would require making solid contact with said golf ball, which remains an unfilled ambition of mine ... sigh... I have crashed a golf cart into a tree, however...

The person below me has witnessed a Marcia Brady-esque thrown projectile -> off-course oops -> broken nose sequence of events in real life...
False although that is pretty funny. XD

The person below me has been to a convention for geeks/nerds before. (ie. anime convention, E3, etc.)
Though I would like to have attended E3 '07.

The person below has fallen asleep at their keyboard while playing WoW.

Being and extraditable country and all, I am reserving that for a very raining day *wink*

The person below me, likes to see gnomes tackled in a violent fashion
False. I like to see the gnome tossed to someone who in turn gets tackled for having the gnome in his\her possession though.

The person below me has either items from Christmas or Halloween in the bank on one of their toons still.
true....snowballs! reindeer...lots of stuff

The person below me that Goblit always has a ready supply of heavy leather balls!

The person below me thinks the name Smeli Meli is quite possibly the greatest WoW game name ever!
Huh? If I extrapolated your sentence correctly, true.

The person below me likes to pick on Goblit when she makes a minor mistake, because she has an excellent grasp of the English language.
Uhm, what post.

The person below me has already signed Deuteronomy into a special needs hospital and is on their way to pick him, place him in a straight jacket, and take him to it.
False, he can just live with you GP.

The person below me thinks a Redeemed "compound" would be cool. We could all live together and play WoW. Work part time jobs share the bills and play all the time!! <weird stuff dude>
False. ... Although I'd love to meet all of my friends in with some of them...hehe... (wonders what Icthus's impression of us really is if he is equating our home to an insane asylum)

The person below me loves chocolate!
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