The person below me.... Part 2

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false i dont even know what that is

the person below me doesnt like working with VBS cause the kids r evil and the teachers r worse. but still work with them cause they want them to know God
Wow... uhhh... hmmm.... lets see.... uhhhhhh.... C

the person below me still thinks Treebranch actually answers his cell phone.

The person below me is going to set off fireworks this weekend\week in celebration of Canada Day or Independance day!
True, if I can get to an Indian Colony about an hour south of me to buy them. And happy Canada Day!

The person below me is amazed at the fireworks that you can buy. Some are so big, you need to file a flight plan to launch them.
true...wait do u really!?!?!?!?

the person below me isnt looking forward to the 4th cause they have to go to a relatives house that they dont like at all
False-ish, I will be at my in-laws for the first time in a looooong time. I will tell you how I feel about them later...

The person below me is convinced that the moon was at one time made of cheese.
False, I find it interesting. I am actually hoping for a complete and utter foul up the likes of which we have not seen since "New Coke". That would be funny.

The person below me actually understands the "new coke" reference.
"New Coke" loller. Yeah, I remember that. Then they came back with Coke Classic, which was still not as good as the old coke.

The person below me will order Iced tea if their preferance of coke or pepsi isn't available.
False.....who is Jessica? <seriously wonders who he is talking about>

The person below me doesn't like to golf.
False, but I don't golf much anymore. :( (and the 2 Jessica's are the only Jessica's, Beale and Alba)

The person below me knows that I broke the rules by not waiting at least 2 posts to repost.
pft false i do it all the time...but i am minister of propaganda.....

the person below me thinks its sad that after july 8ith i wont be on wow till august 1st cause im moving and the movers come the 8th and we dont move till the 22nd and i wont have a comp till we get to NC. unless i get a laptop that i want horidly!
The ballerina? false but that dance routine was awesome!!

The person below me does know that person.
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