The person below me.... Part 2

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False. You'd think that I'd be watching tons of tv at school but I don't. That's what relaxing at home is for. I actually gave my mom my tv when she brought me and my brother back to school for her to take home.

The person below me thinks drawing with charcoal and getting really dirty hands/arms in the process if kinda cool and lots of fun. =P
False charcoal is made for making fires, not making art....

The person below me likes cooking with fire!!
True! I grill out at least 3 times per week when the weather is nice, and at about 3 times per month in the winter.

The person below me has cooked with C-4 plastic explosives.
False, I generally stick with charcoal since I do enough damage with that already.

The person below me sleeps with a fan on (or other noise generating machine).
True. I don't need it, as I have successfully slept through people landing moderate-sized aircraft in my bedroom, but my wife needs the white noise.

The person below me has locked their keys in their car more than once.
gxfabienlsocmkt...uhh false.

The person below me has made more then one IM account for the same program. (AIM MSN xfire)
False. Actually, i don't even know which of them I am still signed up on from college.

The person below me thinks the moon landing was a hoax.
False. Why can't people just believe in things they can't experience for themselves?

The person below me likes having quirks about the need to have a bay window in their house... >.>
Maybe true? I need to have stuff planned out and I don't like having my schedule shifted, is that a quirk or just a defect? :)

The person below me has refreshed their eBay page 8 million times during the last 5 minutes of an auction they are bidding on.
False... There is a program that will do that for you...

The person below me had a child have a birthday that made them feel old.
True...but then I'm not as old as Icthus..that is some consolation

The person below me is older than their spouse.
False, have to have a spouse to be either younger or older than.

The person below me knows about Asperger's Syndrome without looking it up
True. Actually know someone with it. similar to high functioning autism.

The person below me likes coke vs pepsi
True. I do like Coke better than Pepsi....but alas....PSU is a Pepsi campus. =\

The person below me is REALLY happy that Spring is finally here. =D
True, although it has snowed here (Reno) in every month except August, so you never know.

The person below me has been to Heavenly Ski Resort.
True for about a yard off the green, to the hole, about 6 or 7 yards in from the edge :) :) A friend of mine put one in from 80 yards out cross wind. o_O

The person below me has scored 280 or better in 10 pin bowling
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