The person below me.... Part 2

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False, I never saw him, as I was warned away at the last minute. :D

The person below me wishes today was a day off work, too.
False. I don't start work till next today IS a day off from work for me. ^_^

The person below me still buys cds.
True, every computer game I buy still comes with installation CD's.

The person below me had to pick themselves up off the floor after hearing Meli was starting work next week.
False. I already heard she is going to be a guinea pig in an experiment for one of her college professors.

The person below me is baking today.
False but hopefully I'll be baking at least once a week in my apartment. =P

And I'm not going to be a guinea pig in an experiment. I'll be working with the professor on a project involving learning in the classroom with Phantasy Sports type programs....I think. I know it involves Phantasy Sports.

The person below me wants to know what Goblit baked.
False - I want to eat whatever she baked!

The person below me just had a very positive annual review at work. Woot for a raise! :D
Falsish trueish???

I'm my own boss, I set my own rates. I need a raise, up go my rates. Hopefully not so much clients disappear. And my one employee always gets a raise, even if its just a cost of living raise.

What most people ought be doing but rarely do, is prepare for thier annual reviews by spending a few weeks listing the "over and above" things they have done to help make the company successful, doing salary research and doing a cost of living study to come up with a salary range that you feel is correct. This way, when the employer says "We are going to up your rate to X" you can counter with why "Y" is better if X is not reasonable to your Y range.

The person below actually does negotiate their salaries annual.
false - i think that's just greedy. i will voice it if i think my salary is too low but not every year

the person below me............. drinks the recommended 8 glasses of water a day
Tralse. Many people don't realize it, but milk and juice counts 1 for 1 with water. Soda, beer, and coffee, 1/2 to 1. And I don't think it's greedy if you know you are worth more than they would offer without negotiations.

The person below me listens to either Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity.
False, but I do listen to Dan Patrick.

The person below me has worked too much this week and there is not a good end in sight.
True. I found the end of the laundry after the trip...but the yard will keep me busy for a long time...I hate dandelions.

The person below me plants a vegetable garden.
Tralse. My grandma plants the vegetable garden but I plan to have one someday when I have my own house. ^_^

The person below me likes to read mystery books.
False. I like history, science / science-fiction, and war stories.

The person below me has read something from Tom Clancy.
True. In fact, I've read just about everything from Tom Clancy.

The person below me has read some of Steven Ambrose's books.
false....i havent read much recently :( *Cry*

the person below me is happy the guild chat spam-o-bot is back :)
True. I love ice cream, as my belly will attest.

The person below me will serve, is serving, or has served our country in a military capacity.
tralse? ive been a proud dependent (srry for spelling) of my dad who was in the air force 20 yrs......

the person below me wants to go me to stop being a chicken and ask a girl i like out.......and no its not your daughter icthus
False, but I've met Goblit, Avesther, and Bannard in real life!

The person below me missed out on the Canadian invasion.
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