The person below me.... Part 2

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True, although it will likely be decorated by boxes.

The person below me is going to Meli's apartment warming party and can tell us how she decorated.
false...i live to far that reminds me i need her address to send her an easy bake oven!

the person below me thinks its sad im moving :(
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False, moving was the best thing that happened to my daughter. She was sad and had some difficult times at first, but now she is doing great! She said it was awsome to get to "start over" with a new set of friends and people.

The person below me will again explain the rules to this game.
True, there are two parts- 1. You answer the question above, as truthfully as possible. 2. You make a second statement which is true about your self that is somewhat unique to yourself and tells the group a bit about you or simply continues to meet the spam need.

The person below me will now break the rules.
False, but I will clarify the rules just a bit. (As the thread starter, I feel like I can do so ;) )

The statement you make about the person below you does not have to be true about yourself. It can be just about anything. I've made a number of true statements about myself in this thread, but I've also made statements that I'd have to answer 'false'.

Now I think it's more fun when many of the statements do reveal a bit about ourselves, but it's not mandatory.

The person below me remembers eating Cheez-Whiz on Triscuit crackers when they were a kid.
EWW NO! Cheez-Whiz is SO disgusting! X_x

And Goblit, you're right, it's mostly decorated with boxes because since I'm only going to be here for about 2 months, not worth pulling out all my normal dorm room decorations just to pack them back up later. =P Although I am here all by myself with 2 bedrooms (that's 4 beds, 1 of which is my own) and 2 bathrooms so if anyone wants to drop by...they also have a place to stay overnight! =D

The person below me is now enticed to come visit me since they'll have a place to stay. =P
False, still too far away sorry. But if I wanted to would have to be when you know who comes so I can chaperone o_O (muhahaha)

The person below me is going to take Meli up on her offer and go visit.
hmmm false. i cant i live to far away...

the person below me thinks meli should live closer to people that wouldnt mind visiting
False...for now. I've only got a year left of college so who knows where I'll end up after I graduate except God Himself. =)

The person below me sings in the shower.
True, I used to teach keyboard until I discovered WOW and it took over my evenings. I met Avesther in band class o_O.

The person below me also met their mate in high school.
False. I don't have a mate and no boys liked me in high school. I was the awkward quiet kid.

The person below me is still in high school. =O
False, although my daughter is a year away from the start of high school....

The person below me has been to the Alamo.
false im not that old icthus :).

the person below me is wondering y icthus is thinking of giving up wow

(btw i mite be giving it up for a while working on my current life and so im at freinds about 24/7 now)
False. Just because someone says it in their "the person below me..." statement doesn't mean it's true about themselves.

The person below me can write in/has heard of Flex by Adobe.
Tralse - Heard of...yes. Would I stoop to using such inferior products...nothxkkbai. gogoSilverlight!

The person below me wishes they weren't in a stupid city that's absurdly cloudy and conveniently rainy this week when they could be at home enjoying the sun :(
ummm false? Although it is a "cold" 70 here today, people are complaining... spoiled Californians

The person below me had decided to call Mirakle, Hobbitsitz at work from now on.

The person below me wishes they could pwn Mythranjier (the mage) AND has seen him on his Necromancer and Cleric (bot)!
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