The person below me.... Part 2

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The person below me thinks that the Denver Broncos are going to win the super bowl!!!!
Frue, Hate is kinda strong wording but I don't like watching most sports on TV.

The person below me wants to give me a crash course in Aztec myths and gods so I can help my son with his homework.
I thought Al Gore created the internet?


The person below me has played WoW since it started in Nov 2004.
False ... not until January 2005 because by the time I knew much about WoW Blizzard had already done the retail shelf pull while they built up server capacity.

The person below me has received a raid invite via text message on their cell phone.
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The person below me uses their cell phone to text and not really make actual calls where they talk to people.
I have NO IDEA OF WHO YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT....................


The person below me does the same, but it is not the person Icthus is talking about.
Tralse. I like texting people but I'd say I call people on my cell just as much as I text people. And I only text people when I think they're in class....if I'm texting someone who goes to school here.

The person below me was really really REALLY happy and giddy yesterday because of an email or two that was sent to them. (If you want to know...ask me whenever you catch me on ^^;; )
True although I miss raiding so im not as excited as I used to be about fridays hehe

The person below me is going to Gruuls lair tonight
Nope, not cool enough...think I'm going to do Ony again when Meli or Samj comes on though.

The person below me loves to play with all the friends they have in this great guild!
True, and I try very hard to not leave anybody out, which is no easy task

The person below me thinks that having 40 people in BWL, all lvl 60+, would totally rock nefs socks off.
Conditional true .. no one threw away their Ony Scale cloaks, right?

The person below me can still remember their first 40-person raid boss kill ... and what dropped.
True-ish. I remember it with HK. I do not remember what dropped. But, I do remember thinking dude 6 hours and I have to run at least a month to get enough DKP for ONE stinking item!!

The person below me still shivers at the thought of running MC or Jail Break.
tralse just cause i have to run jail brake soon and i havent done mc

this person is excited about bwl tonight!

BTW for BWL do i need anything special other then being attuned for it?
True, Redeemeds first 40 man raid kill was Lucifron back in May of 2006, two weeks before our first official run. We ran during a long weekend when Holicron Knights was not running MC. We could not defeat Mag afterwards, but we did come close. That Lucifron was done with under 40 people, memory seems to say 29 or 30. A couple of items drops, a healing item that went to a priest, Mituba I think. And a warrior item that went to a warrior not in the guild. I think it may have been an ATeam member.

Two weeks later, we started our official MC runs in the first week of June 2006. At that time the team was 60% Redeemed and 40% non-Redeemed. I can't remember the name of the guild that made up the minority but said guild was run by a husband \ wife combo (Hunter Mystique \ priest Nikki). After some time, most of their guild merged in with Redeemed as the leaders began to play less.

The person below me thinks I should stop wasting precious memory space with such trivia.

The person below me still shivers at the thought of running MC or Jail Break.

Fetal position all the way

this person is excited about bwl tonight!

Neither here nor there. I don't have the patience to lead these 40 mans anymore, so I am thankful that we have people willing to do so and allow me to help as far as I feel necessary. What I like about the 40 mans is that more people get to go. I think it would be neat to do MC with all lvl 60+ toons to see how fast and far we can go while I shiver in the fetal position.
true wow! i cant even remeber what dropped in ramps last night!

the person below me is willing to help me kill the first boss in ramps for some hunter legs!
True-ish, i don't mind going, but you better make sure everyone knows it is only to the first boss.

The person below me has more than 12 people on ignore.
True! When they first rolled out the cross-location trade channel (or maybe it was the LFG channel), I went on an ignoring rampage, going from zero to max in just one night. Ah, good times....

The person below me has more than five guildies on his/her Friends list, and feels guilty at the thought of taking them off because THEY'RE FRIENDS while realizing that having them there doesn't really accomplish anything because they're guildies and you get their logon/logoff notifications anyhow...
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