The person below me.... Part 2

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True but something is wrong with it. I think I have to replace the battery and I'm too lazy to do so.

The person below me loves roller coasters.
False, but my daughter will be there Thursday and Friday for a band trip.

The person below me played in the band.
False. I was in the music program in high school but I played the piano for the choir.

The person below me can play a musical instrument or more than one and will name what they play.
false, i have never played Guitar Hero, but i can probably sing every song on it....

the person below me has played Company of Heroes
False. Never heard of it.

The person below me has read through all 47 pages of this thread. (I cheated and went to the last page. :D )
True. And Vunderlord, I was the demolitions instructor for my Unit in Germany.

The person below me knows how to get the correct timing of timed-fuze so as not to blow yourself up.
False. Never played with explosives but Air Soft guns and Nerf guns are a lot of fun in a dorm hallway or a dorm room. =)

The person below me wants to have an all out water war with water balloons and water guns(super soakers...not the wimpy dollar store ones). =D
The person below me wants to see a pic of Meli all grow'd up and in a business suit cuz she's going to the career fair today...and it's snowing! =O ~.~

[quote="Melinarlia]The person below me wants to have an all out water war with water balloons and water guns(super soakers...not the wimpy dollar store ones). =D[/QUOTE]

True. TRUE. TRUE!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THAT STUFF!

The person below me thinks that Gnomegeddon is perfectly sane. I refuse to answer on the grounds that any answer I give will see me getting shot. And this coming from one who deos enjoy hot sauce on his eggs.

The person below me feels that if sanity were defined by those who are insane, we would have an insane definition of sanity.
False, but I have thrown a brick of lady fingers in a fire!!

The person below me has used firecrackers to blow up ant hills
True and fish and turtles and... wait I should stop there....

The person below me is now concerned I may grow up to be a serial killer....

<great now how land security and the FBI will be tipped off to our treads because of my post>

****disclaimer to big brother the statements above are all in jest and in no way reflect the opinions or beleifs of the staff or membership of this group. the thoughts are the solo responsibility of the poster and his slightly twisted sense of humor*****

The person below me drove home from work yesterday pacing an orange Lamborghini down the freeway.
False, I've been to Mars Music (before it closed anyway)

The person below me also cannot check forums while at work.
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