The person below me.... Part 2

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Hahahaha False. I use eBay to buy more stuff. =P

The person below me should really be doing something else other than trolling the work or studying. >.>
Probably true, but then his place would be missing half of it's posts....

The person below me has seen Treebranch nakie!!!! (story to follow)
I'm going to say no . . .

The person below me thinks Icthus needs some help.
True...he sounds traumatized.

The person below me wants to have a snowball fight! <packs more snowballs and hides them under the deck for later>
True dat, a snowball fight right now would rock!

the person below me has an alt with nothing in its bank but snowballs...
False... snowballs are over rated. Sunshine is where it is at!!

As a disclaimer, the last Karazhan raid Tree was pulling aggro in one spot so much he took off all his armor. He was one shotted about 10 times. Therefore, everyone on the raid was forced to scrub their eyes to remove the image.

The person below me will help off set the cost of my thearpist.
False. On the contrary, over the years I've probably done more than my share to add to your need for therapy. :D

The person below me wants a Tribble.
True. True. True.

The person below me knows which ship ncc-74656 is.

oh now, don't cheat! ***cheater!!!*** you looked it up!

ok, maybe you didn't... lol
"Trouble with Tribbles" my absolute favourite episode! (and yes I've seen them all) As for the ship....its one of the Enterprises ....but I don't know which one....not what I was looking at o_O

The person below me would like to visit space.
"Trouble with Tribbles" my absolute favourite episode! (and yes I've seen them all) As for the ship....its one of the Enterprises ....but I don't know which one....not what I was looking at o_O

The person below me would like to visit space.

That's the Ship's Registry for the Starship Voyager, which I watch every day at 4:00pm ST (haha) on Spike TV.

True, I think it would be great to hit a golfball on the moon.

The person below me knows who the last man was to walk on the moon.
True. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto....but Pluto's not a real planet anymore. =\

The person below me knows what "open source" means.
True, and I'm glad it exists, or I wouldn't have the UI that I use today.

The person below me knows what Pluto is considered now.
maybe true... 80% right? idk I'm a moron :)

the person below me has a job as random as mine, i ship pastry in the ,sqeez frosting out of bag onto the cake, pastry bag...
True, I am a Pastor.... I squeeze more God into people...

The person below me is taking a day to be away from the rush of their world and be with God tomorrow.
True, and then i'm going to play world of warcraft.

If the person below me got into a fight with Rosie O'donnel, they would win.
False...she would sit on me and I'd lose.

The person below me know more than 3 constellationsand can find them in the sky.
True, I'm a total geek. If you live in North America, and you think you see the Little Dipper and it's a square, you're wrong. You're looking at the belt and sword of Orion.

The person below me knows the name of the red giant in the shoulder of Orion. (If you knew the Norse language, you'd already know)
True. the call it, Big Red Zit

The person below me will know the correct answer, mainly because they will go look it up.
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