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  1. T

    GLF Totem Axe Farmers

    5-7k. Saved you a long time farming. Good if you have a 55 monk though.
  2. T

    Doth God really say?

    Good question. I've always had a little bit of a question with this as well. But with me, I learned from reading that God loves every single person. What he doesn't love are the sins that they commit. One example of a verse is Romans 8:35-39. I think that He loves everyone. It's in His...
  3. T

    PvP Friday - 21Jul06

    A group that I have a feeling works in Team Arenas very well is a group consisting of 3 N/Mo Blood Spikers and a Touch Ranger. With me and Dredd joining a group and randomly going into a battle had great results. Oh yea, I was the blood spiker and Dredd was the touch ranger. I think that this...
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    Another Birthday?

    Happy birthday!
  5. T

    Be afraid!

    Or that she's one of the wicked witches.
  6. T

    Kurzick Faction

    In the guild hall, there is a faction transfer NPC next to the Kurzick Kommandant. I believe that's where you turn it in.
  7. T

    Sunday Build Your Wealth 6-25

    No, I havent' Halonic. I made it about an hour into it and we fell apart in one of the puzzle rooms. We need good healers and good tanks if we want to complete this. There are rooms where it literally is pitch black and every step you take hurts you with fire damage. Its not easy, but it is fun.
  8. T

    The Spam is coming! The Spam is coming!

    /tear The spam is back...
  9. T

    Sunday Build Your Wealth 6-25

    I voted SF but might wanna do Questless instead of Orozar cus theres more baddies to kill. Urgoz's is fun but hard and long. It's over 4 hours long a run. Ferry's don't usuaully cost anything unless the group running House zu Heltzer for the day are jerks.
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    Happy Birthday, Dea!!

    You should see how nice we are when you aren't around. ;)
  11. T

    Pack you bags for North Africa Sweet.
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    Happy Birthday, Dea!!

    Happy Birthday!
  13. T


    We got my dad a watch and the Band of Brothers box set. I also got him a nasty case of bronchitis. Which transferred to my mom. Happy Father's Day.
  14. T

    I did a search but...

    I couldn't find one. I noticed alot of people had their myspaces in the bottom of their sigs. I was wonderin I if I could get them so that I could add them. I don't wanna miss anyone's by only goin by sigs so I figured I'd start a thread about it. *starts watch* lets see how long it takes to get...
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    Happy 10 Years of Marwage!!!

    I'm a Midwestern Nazarene...
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    Help! I can't stop posting!

    Then you're really in trouble!
  17. T

    Happy 10 Years of Marwage!!!

    He said that he though that Hitchhiker's was better. So I decided to get my post count up. :p Little random bit of info about Hitchhiker's: It is based on a theory called Nihilism. That theory states that nothing can be known. Hence the answer to the life, the universe, and everything being...
  18. T

    Happy 10 Years of Marwage!!!

    Trying to say Hitchhiker's Guide is better than Princess Bride is like saying that every thread that Chicken hits isn't gonna get derailed and go down in flames while crashing into a ravine of lava. (Don't ask. I just woke up.) On a serious note: What Hitchhiker's Guide is based on (the book...