GLF Totem Axe Farmers

Plus this is easily soloable with a warrior, ranger or just about anything else.

PS it's been out for quite a while now.
The Totem Axe is a max damage (req 9), Sundering (20/20) Axe of Enchanting (20%) with a +5 energy mod. It was really valuable for the first day, but I sold one for 10k on day 2. You might be able to get a little more if you "import" them into Cantha, but 5-7k sounds about right.

For the run, the description in the Scribe sounds about right. Someone from your group (or solo) should be able to run all the way to the Falls easily. I have run this far with my ranger with 2 running skills.
I used to farm this with my warrior, but got tired of having to run all the way to the falls to get it. The difficulties of this farm is the wind riders that cast Conjure Phantasm on you, and the run there is pretty hard too. But once you get a drop its worth it, I have gotten 2 drops before on a run and still had more Bemeoths (sp?) to kill, but had to go.
The build i used was the same one that i used when i farmed griffon's and Minotaurs in the desert (before it was nerfed :mad: ).

I should be on around then, I can run there with my warrior if needed.

Found this site that has many builds posted for Totem axe farming here you go...


Hope they are big enough



Boxed in area is where Root Bemeoths drop totem, also lots of Wind Riders in this area. I got 1 drop when i did this earlier.
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ah...well my source of info is limited to this forum and the main gw site. I don't really visit any of the other sites anymore. I still wouldn't mind having one. Thanks for the info guys!