Help! I can't stop posting!

playing wow kinda does it becuase u lose touch with everything goin on lol. but i do keep up myself >.>
MaidMirawyn said:
Do you WANT me to cry? I couldn't talk to all my friends then! :(

No, I don't want to make you cry...i'm just offering you the alternatives, and solutions to your 'problem' :D
Kidan, don't you know that whenever a woman is looking for solutions, she really wants sympathy instead? She might even say, "What's the solution to my problem?" very directly, and you might think that giving her options will make her happy. But no no, you see, women are so much smarter than us that they already know all the potential solutions and have already examined them even before they've started to occur to us guys. They expect us to be just bright enough to realize this, and to ignore their request for solutions and offer up either sympathy or well-intentioned flattery instead. But even after 10 wonderful years of marriage, I forget this important principle most of the time. Ok I'm gonna shut up now to salvage whatever shred of favor I still have left with my wife, but let me leave you with a test question:

Woman asks: "What is one plus one?"
Your answer:
A- Two
B- It depends - for instance, in base 2, 1 plus 1 equals 10...
C- Do you know that your eyes are very beautiful tonight?
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dorkelf said:
But even after 10 wonderful years of marriage, I forget this important principle most of the time. Ok I'm gonna shut up now to salvage whatever shred of favor I still have left with my wife...
I have a dozen white roses on my desk. You have some leeway... :D

dorkelf said:
let me leave you with a test question:

Woman asks: "What is one plus one?"
Your answer:
A- Two
B- It depends - for instance, in base 2, 1 plus 1 equals 10...
C- Do you know that your eyes are very beautiful tonight?
1+1=3 for exceptionally large values of one...
Do you want to be cured? This reminds me of when I thought chat rooms were addicting and than things and I now hate Chat rooms :0). But this is healthier I think......
The first step is always admiting your problem. You could always go cold turkey and try to not post for a day.

or you can go get the magical cure for everything.... chocolate.


Chocolate cures every addiction, unless you are addicted to chocolate. The you are basically in trouble.
for girls, maybe.

alright guys, if somebody offered you:
or B)

which one would you choose.

remember, guys, Muscle cars are more manly.
dorkelf said:
Kidan, don't you know that whenever a woman is looking for solutions, she really wants sympathy instead? She might even say, "What's the solution to my problem?" very directly, and you might think that giving her options will make her happy. But no no, you see, women are so much smarter than us that they already know all the potential solutions and have already examined them even before they've started to occur to us guys. They expect us to be just bright enough to realize this, and to ignore their request for solutions and offer up either sympathy or well-intentioned flattery instead. But even after 10 wonderful years of marriage, I forget this important principle most of the time. Ok I'm gonna shut up now to salvage whatever shred of favor I still have left with my wife, but let me leave you with a test question:

Woman asks: "What is one plus one?"
Your answer:
A- Two
B- It depends - for instance, in base 2, 1 plus 1 equals 10...
C- Do you know that your eyes are very beautiful tonight?

errr... C?
And do you know the follow up to "C"? :D

"What do you mean my eyes are very beautiful tonight? Are you saying they aren't always beautiful? What, are they usually ugly?"

There's always more to anything you say than you realize...
"Your eyes are always beautiful, but the light reflecting off the water in the pond makes your eyes sparkle with a lovely glow, as if showing me the embers of love burning deep within your soul"

Err.... yeah, I'm new at that so it kinda turned out to be some kind of half-baked Don Quihote thing...