The Spam is coming! The Spam is coming!

Shagz said:
And Tek is a little tied up in other matters, so don't expect it any time soon.

In the meantime, would it be beneficial to try and self-moderate the spam, like think twice (or three times :p ) before posting? I wouldn't want to discourage communication; the GW chapter is a thriving, raucous (in a congenial way), enthusiastic community...but as mentioned over here, keeping up or even trying to catch the wave of conversation is a little daunting.

I have tons of respect for you guys who moderate and maintain these excellent forums, and though I am very strongly opposed to the idea of ever censoring OT conversation (or even encouraging self-censorship), some temprorary self-restraint until we can get more of the important game-related information moved into easily accessible archives is a reasonable request. But I'd like to point out that all of us were new to these forums at this point and to Guild Wars, and all of us (even C$!) still come across lots of stuff posted here that makes no sense to us. The best solution really isn't to ask people to minimize that stuff, but just to move on and not take it personally, as if we're somehow being excluded intentionally. Every topic of conversation here just isn't for every person, and we all need to just skip ahead or move on from time to time...or even better, start up our own 'inside' topics of conversation. I guarantee that no matter how obscure a post is, there are people here who will flock to it gleefully. :D

Hmm...Spam, spam, spam, and more spam. With some relevant posts.

Yep, C$ is back. All is right with the world. ;)

And thanks, Joshua.
dorkelf said:
I have tons of respect for you guys who moderate and maintain these excellent forums, and though I am very strongly opposed to the idea of ever censoring OT conversation (or even encouraging self-censorship), some temprorary self-restraint until we can get more of the important game-related information moved into easily accessible archives is a reasonable request.

Yea, I agree, I would be opposed to the idea as well, hence my reluctance to bring it up. The "signal to noise" ratio, if you will, is just a little high, that's all.

I think the creation of the Off Topic thread and the cleaning up of the stickies has helped considerably. It's a little harder to get a relevant post pushed off the first page now. :)
Hey! What are coherent conversations doing in a spam thread?

Spamitty Spam, Wonderful Spam!

Okay, better.
And now for something completely the same:

Lovely SPAM! Wonderful SPAM!

And now for something else completely the same:

C$, C$, C$, C$, C$, C$, C$, C$...

[Editorial note: This song has been discontinued for the dual reason that it is very silly and that its continuation would force me to refer to C$ as 'lovely' and 'wonderful']

And now for another something else, completely different:

I received the following in my email this morning.

Mujibar was trying to get into the USA legally through Immigration.

The Officer said, "Mujibar, you have passed all the tests, except there is one more test. Unless you pass it, you cannot enter the United States of America."

Mujibar said, "I am ready."

The officer said, "Make a sentence using the words Yellow, Pink and Green."

Mujibar thought for a few minutes and said, "Mister Officer, I am ready."

The Officer said, "Go ahead."

Mujibar said, "The telephone goes green, green, green, and I pink it up, and say, 'Yellow, this is Mujibar.'"

Mujibar now lives in a neighborhood near you and works at a Verizon or Sprint help desk.

What a heartening story. I'm so glad the officer didn't turn Mujibar back to his native country (Britain).

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Those wacky Brits!

So many words they don't understand...boot, torch, biscuit, flat, plaster, chips...

...lift, bonnet, jelly, parafin...

...silencer, dummy, football, jumper...