Happy 10 Years of Marwage!!!

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Okay, before someone comes in halfway through and misunderstands, I AM NOT PREGNANT. There are NO IMMEDIATE PLANS for children. There is, however, a distinct desire for children. My husband is in grad school right now. Repeat, I AM NOT PREGNANT.
I have finally seen that movie, i saw it like 3 weeks ago. The movie was funny it cracked me and my friends up.

O by the way happy 10 years of marrige day!!
ChickenSoup said:
I have... I liked Hitchhiker's Guide better...
Heresy! Stone him! Stone him!

Southern Baptist? That's even wo- *inner person contacts mind* <fool! do you not want any more cookies??>

Southern Baptist is awesome
Trying to say Hitchhiker's Guide is better than Princess Bride is like saying that every thread that Chicken hits isn't gonna get derailed and go down in flames while crashing into a ravine of lava. (Don't ask. I just woke up.)

On a serious note:

What Hitchhiker's Guide is based on (the book which the movie is based upon) makes it not worth really watching/seriously reading.

Now, the Princess Bride is just a story of true love and high adventure. Thats just fun for the whole family. (BTW, if you haven't read the Princess Bride book, I totally recommend it.)

So don't get me wrong. I loved Hitchhiker's. I watched it at 2 in the morning with a couple of my friends and every word was funny. But then again, what isn't funny at 2 in the morning? But Princess Bride is much better overall than Hitchhiker's.

/end overly long post

Edit: What do you think of Nazarenes, Chicken?
Thrain said:
Trying to say Hitchhiker's Guide is better than Princess Bride is like saying that every thread that Chicken hits isn't gonna get derailed and go down in flames while crashing into a ravine of lava. (Don't ask. I just woke up.)
Love both the book and the movie for Princess Bride. Love the book for H2G2, but not so nuts about the movie (though I did enjoy it). I never said Hitch Hiker's was a better movie than Princess Bride. Actually, I don't think anyone did. But either way, favorites are subjective, not objective.

And as far as my personal favorites, if you look at my profile on MySpace, you'll see my favorite movies...which includes The Princess Bride, not Hitch Hiker's.

I was merely pointing out that Douglas Adams never considered constitency between his works important; in fact, he changed them around freely himself, cutting and adding stuff wherever he felt like it. What was done with the movie is the same thing that happened between the radio dramas (the first form The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy took) and the book and everything else...

So love the movie or hate it, be irritated that it's different from the book, hate the whole series, whatever. I happen to enjoy the books...but not everyone has to hold the same opinions as me.
He said that he though that Hitchhiker's was better. So I decided to get my post count up. :p

Little random bit of info about Hitchhiker's:

It is based on a theory called Nihilism. That theory states that nothing can be known. Hence the answer to the life, the universe, and everything being 42. They know the answer but not the question. The whole premice of the book is that you can't know both at the same time. Seems kind of a circle when you think about it. Of course, that's probably the point of it. :p

But like you said, favorites are personal and not a forced point.
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