You're not a true believer unless you can...

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Genesis1315 @ Oct. 17 2004,9:02)]Jesus prayed for the cup to pass over Him so that he would not be crucified.  That prayer was not answered,  was that still not worthy?
oh. god answers prayers only if they go with his plan. you can ask but you should have an idea whether it will be answered. second of all, if it is a material prayer, personally i am not sure if it will be FOR SURE answered. but i know ALL my spiritualistic prayers have been answered.
when i say material prayer there is a line between selfish and asking for the right thing.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Oct. 17 2004,9:34)]Science is temporary and therefor meaningless.
Sorry for being late on this, but this thread is zooming.

Science is not temporary, for it is the quest to find truth, and truth does not change. Sometimes what we scientifically accept can change because we become aware of new evidence, but that does not mean that the truth is changing with it. It is definitely not meaningless.
Science is temporary.. what happens when god decides to close his hands on this universe and its gone forever? All of our science will be gone along with it. Therefor its temporary....

I know what your saying, that what we belive to be true changes and that the truth has always been the same.. but once God closes up this universe this 'truth' will not exist anymore... so its just temporary, sure I like to learn stuff... but I will not dedicate my entire likfe to learning about a universe that could vanish at any moment..
Uh, what makes you think God is going to "close up" this universe?

Doesn't Revelations say God is going to set up his government HERE, ON EARTH? Remember when God said, "The meek shall inherit THE EARTH"?

Now if God is going to do that, why would He feel it necessary to change the entire laws of physics? Why would science suddenly have no need?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Sorry for being late on this, but this thread is zooming.

Science is not temporary, for it is the quest to find truth, and truth does not change. Sometimes what we scientifically accept can change because we become aware of new evidence, but that does not mean that the truth is changing with it. It is definitely not meaningless

Meaningless with God. God is much more powerful than anything in Science and he can change it too his liking. Science is not always the truth. What about evolution, that was considered truth, but now it's been PROVEN false. Darwin would've misproven his own theory.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Rithkil @ Oct. 18 2004,8:43)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Sorry for being late on this, but this thread is zooming.

Science is not temporary, for it is the quest to find truth, and truth does not change. Sometimes what we scientifically accept can change because we become aware of new evidence, but that does not mean that the truth is changing with it. It is definitely not meaningless

Meaningless with God. God is much more powerful than anything in Science and he can change it too his liking. Science is not always the truth. What about evolution, that was considered truth, but now it's been PROVEN false. Darwin would've misproven his own theory.

Then flowers are meaningless.

So are mountains, snow, sunsets, birds singing.

If you believe God created the universe, then you have to believe that God created the laws that govern that universe.

Science is simply the study of those laws.

So why is it meaningless?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Rithkil @ Oct. 18 2004,8:43)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Sorry for being late on this, but this thread is zooming.  

Science is not temporary, for it is the quest to find truth, and truth does not change.  Sometimes what we scientifically accept can change because we become aware of new evidence, but that does not mean that the truth is changing with it.  It is definitely not meaningless

Meaningless with God. God is much more powerful than anything in Science and he can change it too his liking. Science is not always the truth. What about evolution, that was considered truth, but now it's been PROVEN false. Darwin would've misproven his own theory.
Science may be a scary word for you, but try to give credit where credit is due. All science is is tha endeavor to examine our reality; to ascertain truth.

That's it. Now, religions all claim to already have truth, for their god is the one true god, and their's is the one true religion. Are they all right? I do not think so, as there can't be more than one 'truth.' So, how then do we go about finding what that truth is? You could chose to have faith in a religion, but the odds are you're wrong.

And this is the fundamental flaw in believing in a religion: doing so does not open up enough opportunity for analysis of the evidence available; you instead come up with explanations for them in the context of your faith. In short, if your faith happened to be wrong to begin with, there would be no way of knowing except from outside the box.

If you want to get at truth, the ONLY way, only, in all capital letters, is through the EVIDENCE. Evidence in all caps as well. Think about it. Evidence are instances of our reality that illustrate specific aspects of truth, and, when incorperated all together, we are able to get a much clearer picture of what is going on.

This is called science.
Yeah it examins our reality which can change completely at any given moment... therefor it cannot be permenant therefor it is temporary and anything that is temporary to me is meaningless.
It will when Jesus returns..

Oh yeah be frightened.. someone loves everyoneon the world and wants nothing more then peace throughout the land... be very afraid...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Oct. 18 2004,2:05)]It will when Jesus returns..

Oh yeah be frightened.. someone loves everyoneon the world and wants nothing more then peace throughout the land... be very afraid...
Byblos are you familiar with this verse?

Matthew 10:34
So I guess before you can have peace throughout the land you have to purge the land of infidels and unbelievers in a bloody war first, hmm?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Meaningless?

Then flowers are meaningless.

So are mountains, snow, sunsets, birds singing.

If you believe God created the universe, then you have to believe that God created the laws that govern that universe.

Science is simply the study of those laws.

So why is it meaningless?

Taking things out of context again. I said meaningless without GOD. If God didn't exist, who would make up these laws? It is 1 chance out of 10 to the 215th power that this by chance happened. In other words, impossible.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Taking things out of context again. I said meaningless without GOD. If God didn't exist, who would make up these laws?

I was making an assertion based upon the notion that God does not exist, therefore, it wasn't taken out of context.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] It is 1 chance out of 10 to the 215th power that this by chance happened. In other words, impossible.

Impossible? No, since you gave it a chance. The word you're looking for is IMPROBABLE.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Rithkil @ Oct. 18 2004,5:16)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Meaningless?

Then flowers are meaningless.

So are mountains, snow, sunsets, birds singing.

If you believe God created the universe, then you have to believe that God created the laws that govern that universe.

Science is simply the study of those laws.

So why is it meaningless?

Taking things out of context again. I said meaningless without GOD. If God didn't exist, who would make up these laws? It is 1 chance out of 10 to the 215th power that this by chance happened. In other words, impossible.
If we're going to talk in terms of odds, a logical way of thinking, then what exactly are the odds that an entirely illogical being such as god exists?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I was making an assertion based upon the notion that God does not exist, therefore, it wasn't taken out of context.

But that is not basing it upon what statement I DID make. If there was no God, Science would be a meainingless chance filled, flawed thought.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Impossible? No, since you gave it a chance. The word you're looking for is IMPROBABLE.

Possibly. But words is not the point here. The point is, the whole universe couldn't support life if just a few things were off. There are 200 parameters needed to support life and thus for us to exist. And would that happen by chance? And don't say yes. Think about it.