You're not a true believer unless you can...

Actually, what I expect you to do is READ their commentaries and come up with your own decision.

I am showing that your backup support is weak and giving you reasons why.
No, you are giving me BIASED opinions and commentaries. I have made my own descision form them and read many others. It's okay.
Why do you consider them biased?

They work off the information that Strobel has supplied.

If you consider them biased, what do you consider UNbiased? YOUR links? Couldn't I just as easily claim that THEY are biased?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Rithkil @ Oct. 20 2004,11:53)]Something that sells, like I just explained. Every opinon is biased.
But there are moderate opinions that address both sides of the issue. Of course, sometimes there just is a right answer, so naturaly the evidence would lean toward one side. But this is not 'bias.' The trick of the matter is figuring out what is and is not.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Sep. 09 2004,9:18)]Bonus points if you discuss the theory behind the questioned addition of everything after Mark 16:8.
Have you tallied the points?  Many people have viewed this post. This was a very interesting topic, or is that controversial?  lol Yea, consider who started it!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Marcylene @ Oct. 22 2004,6:50)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Sep. 09 2004,9:18)]Bonus points if you discuss the theory behind the questioned addition of everything after Mark 16:8.
Have you tallied the points?  Many people have viewed this post.  This was a very interesting topic, or is that controversial?  lol Yea, consider who started it!  
Yeah it seems that the more controversial the topic, the more faster and larger it grows. Go figure.
You aren't in Florida, are you? I request a recount! Hey, look at the new avatar! Sooo distinguished! Old things passed away, all things have become new?
4th Generation Texan here

The firstborn son of the firstborn son of the firstborn son of the firstborn son.

(I made that avatar myself)
It is very nice.  Is it done with Illustrator?  Will it ever change to Light Virtue?  lol  Sorry, couldn't resist!  All that knowledge, stubborness...(shall I continue?)...  used for the LORD...
Actually I started it in AutoCad, ported it to Illustrator, then finished it in Photoshop.

You might be suprised at what Dark Virtue really is


Can you hold fast your crescent soul and not let it wander
can you make your breath as soft as a baby's
can you wipe your Dark Mirror free of dust
can you serve and govern without effort
can you be the female at Heaven's Gate
can you light up the world without knowledge
beget things and keep them
but beget without possessing
keep without controlling
this is Dark Virtue

-lao tzo, tao te ching