Oy, what a week. It started out normally, but I started feeling extremely tired (as in, it was painful to be conscious) and sore Monday afternoon and woke up with a fever Tuesday morning. I called my supervisor, who instructed me to call the relevant department at work, who told me to go get tested for COVID-19 and only return if and after I got a negative test result and was fever-free without fever reducers for 72 hours.
I got tested the same morning (in a parking garage, of all places) and oh my word nasal swabs are unpleasant. I went home on Tuesday, ate lunch, fell asleep sitting up on the couch, woke up long enough to go to bed, slept on and off for three hours, and woke up with a fever of 103. After recording my temperature, I took acetaminophen, felt better until the medicine wore off that evening, and went to bed before 11. Fortunately, I woke up the next morning feeling significantly better.
Even better news: I woke up nearly symptom-free (still had a headache) Thursday morning and my test results came back negative the same day. I was still feeling tired and my head was a little foggy, but I relaxed, played some games (mostly Steamworld Dig 2 and Persona 5), and continued recovering.
Now I'm back to 100% and on track to go back to work on Monday, provided my employer gives me the all-clear.
And among the best news of all: The 4 days I was off work this week won't come out of my PTO (paid time off). Huzzah!
As for the rest of the family,
@Ember returned to work this week. She's currently working at about 80% of her usual schedule and her work, like almost every business, has made significant changes to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
The kids are healthy and still doing extracurriculars remotely (mostly videos shared on Google Drive and some Zoom classes) and my older daughter's remote schooling continues.
We're all healthy and grateful that I don't have the 'rona!