Is it bad that I get to these posts a day late then find myself asking, "Now what exactly happened this last week?" 
Work continues to be busy enough to fill the time without being hectic. Morale is low for several reasons, the latest being news that our team will be instructed to audit inventory at our sites once every year. I agree with the need for accurate inventory, but it's a struggle to just keep up with what's on our plates now. It feels like there's never enough people and time to get the job done well.
Last weekend, we spent 8-9 hours traveling round trip in a single day to attend a funeral for my wife's grandmother. We usually take Saturdays to catch up on chores around the house because weekdays are crammed so full. We took time out on Friday and Saturday to visit members of my wife's family that we rarely get to see, which was great but also left us further behind on household chores. We're managing, but next weekend's plans look just as busy and I'm trying not to despair when I think about the state of our house. It's rough having two adults that work outside the home and two young children who like to spread across the house like a Zerg player in a StarCraft II match. Nevertheless, by the grace of God, we're hanging in there.
Kids are still healthy. Praise God! Given that they're little Petri dishes on legs, that is indeed something to be thankful for.
And, as usual, I wish I had more free time to spend on CGA (though I did take an hour this week to work on editing articles and delegate work on that front as well!) and gaming, but I was able to pop in for a bit of TF2sday and play a few rounds of Smash with my daughters this week.

Work continues to be busy enough to fill the time without being hectic. Morale is low for several reasons, the latest being news that our team will be instructed to audit inventory at our sites once every year. I agree with the need for accurate inventory, but it's a struggle to just keep up with what's on our plates now. It feels like there's never enough people and time to get the job done well.
Last weekend, we spent 8-9 hours traveling round trip in a single day to attend a funeral for my wife's grandmother. We usually take Saturdays to catch up on chores around the house because weekdays are crammed so full. We took time out on Friday and Saturday to visit members of my wife's family that we rarely get to see, which was great but also left us further behind on household chores. We're managing, but next weekend's plans look just as busy and I'm trying not to despair when I think about the state of our house. It's rough having two adults that work outside the home and two young children who like to spread across the house like a Zerg player in a StarCraft II match. Nevertheless, by the grace of God, we're hanging in there.
Kids are still healthy. Praise God! Given that they're little Petri dishes on legs, that is indeed something to be thankful for.

And, as usual, I wish I had more free time to spend on CGA (though I did take an hour this week to work on editing articles and delegate work on that front as well!) and gaming, but I was able to pop in for a bit of TF2sday and play a few rounds of Smash with my daughters this week.