The person below me...

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I don't might get some RESISTANCE to that ....when am I not in a punny mood?

The person below me has freckles.
True, they are tasty (and I love the fat goldfish we have at work, they are great. They look like little whales).

The person below me wants to go to the Fort Worth zoo with me to see the Aqaurium (sp!).
Tralse. I'd have to fly down there and I'm a poor college student who doesn't have any money. =P

The person below me is somewhat artsy.
Somewhat? What does that mean? But, I am not very artsy, yet I am creative.

The person below me has been to the Fort Worth (Texas) Zoo.
False. I doubt I will eat anything today, as I caught the stomach flu from Abital. I feel lousy.

The person below me hates feeling lousy too.
True. Although it gives me a reason to stay in bed all day. ^^;;

And I had chicken today... >.>

The person below me thinks that crocheting a power up mushroom would be really REALLY cool. =D
The person under Meli doesn't know what shes talking about...

The person under me, however, does.
Trueish...I think crocheting is a kind of knitting, and crocheting a power up mushroom is just making a picture of a power up mushroom. >.>

The person below me has read Lord of the Rings more then once.

The person bellow me was disgusted when Prince ruined Proud Mary and We Will Rock You at the Half-Time show during the Super Bowl.
Unfortunately, true. But I have a wonderful testimony of how God changed my life :)

The person below me likes Cosmos, with Carl Sagan.
True. many actually.

The person below me believes that schools are now a bunch of panzies, closing for minor meteorological events that NEVER would have shut down school when they were that young.
False. My school NEVER closes for ANYTHING. After at least 6 inches of snowfall the night before a day of classes, PSU sends out plow trucks of all sorts to the entire campus and by the time people wake up at 7am and look outside their window in hopes that we had a snow day...all the sidewalks and roads are completely cleared of snow.

The person below me wants to crawl back in bed where it's warm. X_x
False and miss out on some WoW time come on, get more sleep when you are dead.

What are you talking about not closing school when there is only 6 inches of snow on the ground, thats is only a dusting of snow right, around where I am it has to be like 3 feet or so for schools to be closed.

The person below me hasn't see grass on the ground since before Chrismas because it keeps snowing each week and it keeps cold enough that what is on the ground doesn't melt enough to see the grass and more snow is on its way again this weekend.
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