The person below me...

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Tralse. Depends on if I feel like eating pizza or not and what other toppings are available at the time.

The person below me lives in a place where it's been in the single digits (temperature-wise and in Farenheit) for most of today.
False... I think we are approaching 70 today....

The person below me is thinking about sitting on the beach tomorrow just to rub it in...
Um, I was thinking about reading / tanning at the pool, but.. ya.

The person below me can't wait for Summer.
sososososos TRUEEEEEEEE! I don't ski, don't like to drive on ice, and want sunshine!

The person below me wears a fur coat.
False. However, my grandmother, does own a mink coat, very soft... no idea how warm it is though.

The person below me has already gotten their federal tax refund $ back. (and I don't mean by cheating and doing one of those silly advance loans)
False although they have been done and e-filed and approved:)

The person below me likes big returns so they have more taken out of their check each week
False. Why give the Government an interest-free loan? ;)

The person below me knows it is better to have the minimum amount taken out and put the difference in Savings to draw interest.
True. And being that he is from the Bay Area, wonders how he votes.

The person below me is going to get this off of politics, and back on something less constructive.
True. I don't like politics much anyways.

The person below me really really really doesn't want to go outside because of how cold it is. >.< T_T
False, i am about to go bike riding in the mountians and it is suppose to be 70.

The person below me is going to ding 65 today or tonight if spouse faction holds up.
Tralse. I may or may not ding 65 tonight and I don't have spouse faction of any sorts. Woohoo!! =D

The person below me is thinking about skipping their next class because it's REALLY cold out. >.<
True, but you'd need to replace class with work... -_-

The person below me did this when BC came out.
False, but then you aren't too far from catching me.

The person below me knows the coefficient actuaries use for a 20 year old non-smoker applying for term life insurance.
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