The person below me...

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Sadly False. =( It's a Friday and I'm at school. Gotta be social with the fellowship. *sigh*

The person below me has gone cow tipping before.
The person above me needs a signature period.

False... I rarely ever see "snow" to begin with...

The person below me has a tree in their house.
False, they are far to noisey to have in a house.

The person bellow me believes that in Soviet Russia TV watches you.

The person below me thinks phantom wears a tin foil hat to protect the government or aliens from reading his brain waves.
He does too? No wonder it's hard for me to find good tin foil anymore.

The person below me knows that Tarl Cabot is not pronounced Tarlcabot.
True. The name comes from the main character in a series of novels from the '60s and '70s. The first novel in the series was Tarnsman of Gor. Gor is a planet that revolves around the sun in our orbit, but 180 degrees from us. It is cloaked from our observation by an alien race that lives there. Tarl is a liberal arts professor in New Hampshire that is abducted and taken to Gor. There he is trained to be a mighty swordsman, and defeats the best swordsman on the planet and saves the princess. The term Tarnsman comes from the fact that certain warriors ride on flying mounts called tarns. They resemble giant eagles.

The person below me thinks that the statement above was very long-winded.
Somehow reminds me of the Gorns in Star Trek.

The person below me thinks we should put a cap on the amount of nerds being invited to the guild.
True. I believe that the limit is 500 players, so put the cap at 500.

The person below me has read the entire "Left Behind" series.
Depends on who you talk to, but I prefer dork....

The person below me knows the secret ingrediant in Dr. Pepper
FALSE. Diet Coke is all we drink.

The person below me will be more interested in watching the commercials than the game tomorrow. (super bowl in case your head is in BC and you haven't surfaced for air lately.)
False. It's at 6pm right? I'll be at archery for 2 hours. That or attempting to do some coding for a class of mine....maybe.... >.>

The person below me thinks turtles are really cool.
False but I would like to know the real story since that has always been one of my favorite drinks:p

The person below me didnt know Meli was an archer!
False. I knew Meli was an archer. AND....she might go shooting tonight. ^^;;

The person below me likes to workout.
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