The person below me...

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True, but she lives with my parents LOL. Her name is Boopsie :p

The person below me has a puppy.
uhhhh how could anyone respond any other way they true? or maybe false? or is it tralse? or do i like falue.....

The person below me is having pizza for dinner.
False, I will be Saturday with my girlfriend.

The person below me realizes that vunderlord has no idea what I was referencing in my last post.
[]phantom;204108 said:
False, after seeing Jaws I avoid going into the ocean for all I'm worth unless I'm in the shallows. No deeper then my mid thigh is my rule. I have a huge fear of getting bitten by a shark.

The person bellow once killed a man in Reno just to watch him die.

False. Since this was your last post, I understand the fear of sharks.
True. Was this your last post? I'm confused... :confused:

The person below me knows when international investments will go out of favor.
False. Since this was your last post, I understand the fear of sharks.
True. Was this your last post? I'm confused... :confused:

The person below me knows when international investments will go out of favor.

No, the quote before my last one was the last one then. This is my current post, so go back to my post before my most recent one and the will be my last one, the one before the last one was my last post.

True, I love the History Channel.

The person below me likes fried chicken.
True. KFC baby!

The person below me watches the Sci-Fi channel... I'm guessing true considering the company we keep.
False, I occasionally watch it, though not nearly as much as the History Channel and the Military Channel.

The person below me has or has had a Pontiac TransAm.
False. My wife and I are however, buying a new car in march-april sometime, prolly a highlander.

The person below me likes coffee instead of tea.
Barely true. I like both, but if I have to choose between the two, coffee ftw.

The person below me owns a trampoline.
False but my godparents and another friend of mine did when I was younger so I'd play at their house on it. =P

Ther person below me loves gummy snacks.
True, although I am not supposed to have them, thank you braces :p

The person below me played Pokemon for a very long time.
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