The person below me...

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The person below me thinks that working from 5 PM - 2 AM, when you're 16, getting paid minimum wage isn't worth the lost sleep.
Not worth it and totally illegal to do up in aren't allowed to work past 10pm at 16yrs old.

The person below me is shocked I posted.
True! But it's very good to see you here. :)

The person below me has met more than one person from the Guild. (Family members excluded)
True. and have seen the trailer for the new up and coming movie. If I can find it, i'll post it later.

The person below me remembers when it wasn't a novelty to purchase die-cast transformers. (stupid things are EXPENSIVE now)
Unfortunately, true. I also had a G.I. Joe, watched Ba Ba Blacksheep, and remember the days before Cable TV.

The person below me loves the forest.
False. We had an electric one at home but my grandma didn't like it. =\

The person below me had a tomagachi when they were younger.
False. A what?

The highest tech toy the person below me had in grade school was a bike or maybe a BB gun.
I had a bike, but my mom... she wouldnt let me have a BB gun =P.

The person below me is taking a break from wow.
True. I'll be out of town this week for our national sales meeting. As a big part of my job is to be the technical/application/product support for our sales force, that means I'll be right in the middle of it. I'll be getting back Friday, so until then, I will be taking an enforced break. :(

The person below me has been skydiving.
False. Although I think that would be fun.

The person below me found the hidden link.:) (it's a picture I drew in Art class last week of one of my classmates)
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