The person below me...

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False! No way would I ever pay that much for a PS3. I don't even think I'm going to get a PS3. NINTENDO CONSOLES FOREVER!! =D

The person below me knows the name of the anime character in my avatar. =P

The person below me KNOWS that console gaming reached it's apex with the Atari 2600 and has never been the same since.
False. Like Icthus, my "good 'ole days" Atari 2600 were sadly my last days playing a console.

The person below me likes green tea.
false. coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The person below me has decided that in today's world of cell phones, it isn't necessary to have a home (land line) phone.
Tralse. At home our land line is still there because we have DSL at home as opposed to Cable Internet. At school in my dorm, my mom calls my room phone because my cell phone carrier doesn't have a tower up here so I have to pay for all my minutes except for free nights and weekends. But once I get out of college and out on my own...I don't know if I'd have a land line.

The person below me likes watching the snow fall.
True. It is quite peaceful as long as I am not driving in it.

The person below me likes driving to the beach.
I am going to hurt you if you don't stop teasing me Icthus.

The person below me loves four-wheeling.
Oops, you posted before I did.

True, but it only take me about 5 minutes... :D

The person below me hates me now.

Not yet, but the rage bar is slowly increasing!

Same question; the person below me loves four wheeling.
True. Especially to the beach and/or on the beach.

The person below me watched at least some of the state of the union this week. hmm... let me add something to that, the person below me actually knew that the state of the union was this week.
False on part one, true on part two.

The person below me would rather have gone to the beach than watched the State of the Union Address.
False, after seeing Jaws I avoid going into the ocean for all I'm worth unless I'm in the shallows. No deeper then my mid thigh is my rule. I have a huge fear of getting bitten by a shark.

The person bellow once killed a man in Reno just to watch him die.
False <wonders if Phantom read the rules or is simply a serial killer in disguise>

The person below me understood the reference phantom was making.
True. But I have no idea which of the shows or movies I watch it's from.

The person below me eats breakfast. (remember, it is the most important meal of the day!)
False, But I do know the Johnny Cash song phantom was quoting:)

The person below me likes doritos for breakfast!
False. Ice cream tastes much better that early in the morning.

The person below me will miss me this weekend. (Going to DC for a conference with my fellowship =D ... so no Internet)
True-ish..... A 37 year old man must becareful about saying he is missing a 20 year old woman....

The person below me is closer to my daughter's age (12) than my age (listed above).
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