The person below me...

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false, unless you count a sugar high as a seizure.

The person below me was all excited about the comback of the Colts in last night's game and can't wait until the superbowl.
Linky 1 frightens me...But I have to admit to being morbidly curious.

The person below me was teasing Tebran last night.

The person below me will enlighten all those who don't know the meaning behind linky1 (like Baddwin) about what/why it had to do with me.
False, that sounds like a job for Meli:P

The person below me misses the bored at work spam thread and the masters of spam spamming it everyday:P
not so much

person below me was surpised today by something
False. At least as far as I know.

The person below me actually enjoys the commercials during the super bowl more than the game itself.
False. Come on, the commercials better then way

The person below me thinks that it is ok to go to sleep at 3 in the morning everyday...
True, if you can wake up on time... and the Super Bowl commercials are MUCH better than the game its self.

The person below me agrees.
Tralse, it all depends on the game, the food and the crowd....

The person below me is playing BC, but NOT staying up until 3 AM every day... (a weird concept I know)
False, that sounds like a job for Meli:P

*sigh* Fine. There's a thread in these forums where we can post pictures of ourselves if we wanted to. I refused to post my picture up for awhile and GP decided to be funny and put a link to linky1 in there and say (this isn't word for word) "This is what I picture Meli looks like." I think it was because of my avatar....even though they're two completely different anime characters from two completely different anime series.... >.>

/end anime fan girl

True actually. I haven't been letting myself stay on past 2am my time because I do have class and all that fun college stuff to do.

The person below me loves Lindt chocolates. =D
False! Lint in your chocolate? That's just wrong.

The person below me could actually name more than one anime character...
*sigh* Fine. There's a thread in these forums where we can post pictures of ourselves if we wanted to. I refused to post my picture up for awhile and GP decided to be funny and put a link to linky1 in there and say (this isn't word for word) "This is what I picture Meli looks like." I think it was because of my avatar....even though they're two completely different anime characters from two completely different anime series.... >.>

You brought that upon yourself...

False, nor do I plan on going any time soon.

The person below me recieved Coal for Christmas.
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