The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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True! I am excited its Thanksgiving weekend...and I get to see family and friends and eat turkey and stuffing and apple pie(although pumkin would have been my first choice) and mashed potatoes(Avesther mashes them up so nice and creamy) and gravy........

The person below me spent half the day climbing up an apple tree and picked a whole lot of apples today!
False, but I hope Avesther took pictures of that to post on the forums!

The person below me likes apple pie more than pumpkin pie.
True. But that might be because I forgot to eat dinner. Oops. =X

The person below me is tired out from job interviews. X_x
True! And thanks for hiring me Icthus! When do I start?

The person below me wants to take me to lunch to celebrate my new job with Icthus.
Mmm. False. Don't work at a church or with Icthus' family.

The person below me does photography as one of their hobbies.
False. How many hobbies do you have?

The person below me does not like the seasonal lag festivals blizzard gives us.
Tralse. I tried it, but it was just too slow for me, rather than too complex.

The person below me has played in the Team Fortress 2 beta and thinks it's uber-fun.
False...I believe the correct terminology is that you'd be relieving of the stress of grinding, not ganking them.

The person below me has their wedding pictures on ...and after looking at them, realized they should probably lay off of the easy cheese! (as they head to the breakfast buffet...)
True. And I love Jen's dress. She's so pretty. =D

The person below me wonders if she wore her heels out onto the green cuz lots of places yell at you if you do. =X
errr false, i don't think much about high heels.

The person below me has a better understanding of the term "phat suit" now.
True. It was yummy and tasty. I've even had ice cream for breakfast.

The person below me has also had ice cream for breakfast before.
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