The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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Guess not

The person below me has completed Halo3 in less that 24 hours after buying it.(not me)
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False. I only got to the 3rd level so far...haven't been able to play much :(

The person below me may be late for a wedding if they don't stop posting on the forums. Worse yet, it may be their own!!!
LOL Get off the forums and get are procrastinating!

The person below me wished Nevi all the best in his marriage and hopes he has a wonderful time on his honeymoon!....then hurries back to WOW !
False, the game will always be here. Honeymoons end far too quickly...

The person below me has been on a honeymoon.
False. The whole concept of MMO marriages/RP romance has always just creeped me out. RL honeymoons FTW, though!

The person below me is just generally feeling ill right now. And looking at the game scores only makes it worse...
False. Are you meaning the 20 point blowout K-state put on Texas?

The person below me watched their team win today.
False. Are you meaning the 20 point blowout K-state put on Texas?

That'd be true. We're lucky it was only 20 points. By the end, the game didn't feel even that close.

The person below me watched their team win today.

That'd be false, obviously

The person below me, unlike Goblit, knows what Orange Box really is. ;)
True and I think I will be picking it up to play with my old college roomate again.

The person below me is sitting at church posting to the forums like me! Yeah for the I-phone.
True until last night, now false.

The person below me will tell me how to get past the falling debris scene in HL2: Episode 1.
No idea....

The person below me is extatic that they added all those new graveyards with the patch today...esspecially the 2 in Ungoro
True, im actually excited to have my alts go into those areas now :D

the person below me wishes there could be gnome priests
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