The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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True! Now where did I put that scarecrow wreath for my door...its almost Halloween

The person below me is done their Christmas shopping.
No, but I have something special in mind for my parents. They're buying a new house, and so I want to buy them a new dining room table and chairs. I looked at two sets yesterday, and both of them are very, very nice.

The person below me reads novels / books / newspapers daily.
False, but I do read this everyday and I have been itching to play... =) hope it is open to everyone?!?!

The person below me read the post about the new patch and is day dreaming about engineered flying mounts...
False, I have only one engineer, and he is and forever will be, level 19.

The person below me is starting to pick up the nuances of Eve Online, and it's kind of fun.
True, music from Simcity 4 on the other computer where my step-son is playing.

The person below me wants to give me a 14-day trial code to Guild Wars.
Has it? I've only watched two college games so far. I'm thinking about going to my high school on Friday and watching one of their games.

The person below me is a big sports fan. I know what is missing this morning!

The person below me has been scared by Icthus's coffee maker.
Eh. I've spent most of today so far trying to find drivers for my friend's desktop. I bought it from her.

The person below me has more computers than I do at the moment. (1 desktop and 3 laptops) =P
True, three destops and two notebooks, and I am currently looking at building a new desktop.

The person below me wants to be in California for Christmas and does not currently live there.
False, since I live in California.

The person below me has gone more than a week without playing wow at some point.
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