The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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False. You have to actually buy a ticket in order to win. And I can calculate probabilities...

The person below me has already had their lives turned upside down with preparations for The Nutcracker, because their wife is directing it.
When I was younger I made a few ERTL models. I'm not a good model maker.

The person below has attempted to make a model in a bottle before.
False. Model airplanes aplenty, but no ships in bottles or anything.

And yes, I share a surname with that particular competitor to Tonka. We're obviously related somewhere back on our respective family trees, but it's got to be at least several generations back.

The person below me is a genealogist. (Is that a real word??)
True, Genealogist is a real word. Thats what you were asking, right, otherwise:
False, I'm not a genealogist.

The peron below knows at least one person in their family alone, that is a genealogy nut!
True. Peanuts rawk. Hot ones? Mmmmmm.

England?!?! Bah! My Scottish ancestry lifts its kilt at you...or something...

The person below me has seen Braveheart at least 10 times.
False, I'm nearly strictly a visual person, so the movies appeal more to me then reading the books, although I hear the books are well written and include more detail then the movies and the movies are very true to the book.

The person below has been to England at Platform 9 3/4ths (or what ever it is, forgive my ignorance about that).
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Tralse. Only in my head...or on the TV screen when I'm watching one of the 4 Harry Potter movies we own at home.

The person below me has been disappointed with movie portrayals of books that they have read before.
True. I used to be a huge fan of Sphere, but when the movie came out I was really disappointed (I knew I would be).

However, the person below me has greatly appreciated movies being made of some books (IE: Jurassic Park and others).
True. I study it like it's the final exam! (but only retain the stuff that effects me).(.).

The person below me dislikes Microsoft!
True! Their programs are sometimes not as good as their competitors (who often offer similar software for free - IE: Explorer vs. Firefox). Furthermore, the licenses to use the software IMO offers too much protection for the company and not enough usability for the customer. On a last note, their customer service help is, in my experience, pathetic. :)

The person below me uses Vista and likes it.
false....(they had computers back

The person below me cant wait till they have to start leveling to 80:eek:
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