The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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True. And I guess Penn St. is out of the top 10, maybe even the top 15. :p

The person below me saw WVU rip up East Carolina 48-7. :D
False, I did see somebody bend over and rip there pants once.

The person below is eagerly awaiting the start of the NHL season.
False. Not much of a hockey fan.

The person below me is excited for all or one of the season premieres of TV shows that are coming up soon.
True, The Bionic Woman. Although it doesn't look anything like the original, I'm sure it will be slightly nostalgic.

The person below me watched the original Bionic Woman.
True.....I liked ti when the Six Million Dollar Man came to visit.

The person below me can't finish building their fence today because it is raining.
False. I don't have a fence to build...or a house to put it around. =P

The person below me has woken up when it was still dark out and got confused.
True...I guess.

The person below me will be standing in line somewhere to pick up their pre-ordered copy of Halo 3 tonight!
True! naaa, where would I put it....

The person below me has as much football playing on their tv now as Citgrad does....nonstop, allllll evening.....
False. Haha I love Penn State but I don't think I could handle football 24/7. =P

The person below me doesn't like to spend more than an hour in a stuffy library.
Nice and quiet place to work...spent many hours there in college...but not lately.

The person below me never went to college.
False, but my kids are in Mississippi. Did you say "Hi"?

The person below me wonders how long it will take me to get to post 1000. will be there shortly esspecially with the game being down and a patch today that will likely mess it up and give you more time to play on here.

The person below me has already downloaded the patch.
False :eek: I got stuck doing this thing called work..... uuuggg Why me lol :D

The person below me wonders what the next "ugly/wierd/what were they thinking" avitar the guild will pick.... lol:eek:
False. Long live Nekkid Mole Rats!

The person below me is posting on two different threads simultaneously as we speak (or read in this case).
Tralse. I used to be, but I haven't read it in years.

The person below me still watches the Peanuts Christmas Special every year.
False, I know how it ends. And Calvin and Hobbes has been a retired strip for over 10 years.

The person below me noticed I changed my signature.
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