The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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False, although I would really enjoy that.

The person below me has blonde hair.
True...although it wasn't always such...when I was born I had the blondest blond hair in the world, it changed over time into the same color as my mom's.

The person below me has dyed their hair a wild color, like pink, orange, lime green etc.
um....maybe....does purple with blonde streaks count?.......and where they met it was a nice shade of green....yay for doing it yourself!

The person below me wants to cut their hair short.
True my hair is pretty long right now about half an inch.

The person below me likes to do dailies with Quantam.
<Eeyore> True...I don't really matter...

And I lost my tail again.... </Eeyore>

The person below me wishes they could buy stock in Major Applewhite.
False, longhorns arent going too far this year:P

The person below me knows what Baddwin is talking about

Gilga went to Rice? I dinnit know that. I was about 'thisclose' to going to Rice, too, but as they didn't have a dedicated Aerospace program and Texas did, I headed to Austin, instead. Where I met the person above me. (And one heck of a wife, too, but as she neither posts nor reads here, I'll make my compliments to her in person.)

The person below me knows that college football is the pinnacle of the sports world.

The person below me knows the joy of gathering with 80,000+ of your closest friends to watch a bunch of 19 an 20 year olds either crush your heart or make you feel on top of the world.
Truish? I was a counselor at a Luis Palau Festival in Reno, but we only had 30,000 at it.

The person below me prays for the best for Icthus.
That'd be true. Icthus & Co. is a very groovy family, and Icthus has been a great friend since ancient times when we were students together at the Acropolis, or something...

The person below me has sat in "The Couch of no Return".
false....what is "couch of no return"

the person below me can't sleep either and is reading silly stuff on wow chat boards....:p
That is partially true, I should go to bed but I find myself looking at an old yearbook instead and going dear goodness while on facebook and hanging out.

The person below me can't wait to get to bed.
True. Although I got my usual amount of sleep last night and am feeling quite refreshed...espeically since I don't have to work this weekend.

The person below me will be watching the PSU vs Michigan game today.
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