The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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False i have not even seen it once.

The person below me will be raiding tomorrow with more than one person in the room.
True, but he won't be playing :P

The person below me thinks Icthus and friends need to be separated into little cubicles.
I am hoping false, cause that sounds icky.

The person below is home with an ill child today again. However, he is playing WoW so I am wondering just how sick he is...
False....we know he is home just because Dad wanted an excuse to take a day off and bring him more donuts.

The person below me has a headache....again.

The person below me was awakened waaayyy too early this morning so that their daughter could open her birthday presents.
False, sounds like a parenting issue to me... :P

The person below me knows that Baddwin's avatar is a self portrait.

The person below me was awakened at 2:30 this morning by their cellphone beeping while charging because the power went out for 3 hours. cellphone was dead when I woke it didn't charge at all last night...

The person below me is having Pizza for dinner!
I know I'm not supposed to answer with only one post in between, but this one is true for me.

The person below me also had ice cream for dessert after the pizza!
You should just relax, you deserve it :)

The person below me nominated Icthus for guild leader in the most recent poll.
False ik a little bit of German tho

the person below me can type out their response in a another language, using more than 2 words!!! :D
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