The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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If I was in that guild I would say yes, but I will have to currently say false.

The person below me has tones of homework to do before tomorrow.
True...but school is just and institution for never stop learning even when you leave the institution!

The person below me takes the bus to school.
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False...i dont think colleges have buses... hmm ill have to look into that..

the person below me has used the word "lol" outside of the computer realm
False, but my college did have buses, lots of them. I did ride one from the Intermural Fields to the 40 Acres!

The person below me lived with me in college.

And the '40' bus route is now called the FA. Laaame...

The person below me thinks Icthus would be a boring roommate.
I refuse to answer that on the grounds that he still has /gkick power.

The person below me thinks that Baddwin is a brave soul. :D
True, i didnt understand what it as until about 3 pages into it

the person below me has asked why does a guy use a screen name like Skittles
its hypocrisy i know but im a sucker for chocolate

THe person below me thinks Dr Pepper > Coke & Root Beer >= Dr Pepper
Mmm....don't think so. I don't like Dr. Pepper that much. I'm more of an orange soda drinker, personally.

The person below me knows the difference between Coke and Pepsi.
True. Pepsi's too sweet. I'm more of an orange soda drinker myself (1-2 sunkists per raid).

The person below me has a routine set of raid snacks / food to heighten their key smashing abilities.
ROFL- <sees visions of cheeto'd fingers and orange keyboards> False by the way. Well, I do enjoy a beverage with my raids every so often.

The person below me knows which beverage that is.
False, I have water. (Sometimes Coffee, mmmm)

The person below me has their mom in town and staying at you house for a week and need prayers, 'cause of it.
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