The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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False...traumatized for life is what im leaning towards

THe person below me is a lil nervous about the tropical storm about to hit houston
True. And I am not allowed to paint. They wouldn't even let me paint a basement of a hospital in Mexico. Seriously, I am that bad.

The person below me has seen my painting and lived to tell about it.
I did not see your painting.

Are those your kids in your avatar? I can definitely see a resemblance.

The person below me has been in the guild for more than 7 months.
True if you count total months:)

The person below me was in the guild last year(think I just passed my year anniversary of first joining redeemed!)
Probably false, I was in the middle of a move from Texas to California at that point. My first day on the new job was July 24th.

The person below me knows whose fault it is we have Treebranch and Wall in our guild.
False. I couldn't justify getting WoW in the beginning because I didn't think I would play it much. HA! >.>

The person below me enjoys watching musicals. (Rent, Wicked, etc.)
Iffy at best, I like musicals I like, but some just bore me, like Rent and Wicked... I do like Spamalot!

The person below me is LOL'ing right now.
False. I didn't know you had so much time on your hands until now. :D

The person below me has seen Star Trek II, The Wrath Of Khan more times than I have.
Unknown, but i am actually going to say false, cause i have only seen it like 10 times due to having cable earlier in my life and that being on like always.

The person below me has challenged Baddwin to the movie line contest and lost, horribly.
False, but I want to challenge... I'm good. I can do a signing contest. I stumped a few when Nevi typed a Mr. Richie song I I knew it.

The person below me can quote the first 45 min of braveheart word for word in accent.
False, but I used to know the *entire* script of the first Batman word for word (6th grade I think?). I don't think *stumped* was our reaction :)

(btw...that just made me laugh remembering that...been a rough day, so thanks M!)

The person below me wants to hear Mordos sing a song after every first boss kill.
False, I fear that would require a vigorous application of wire brushes to my retinas, and I'd really prefer not to go there.

The person below me gets to play with really large digital video files at work.
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