The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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False but I still have a short story I wrote in elementary school that starred Apollo and Starbuck O.o

The person below me also watched Battlestar Galactica the original serries.
True, and I still think Kitt from Night Rider (which I didn't watch) was a Cylon spy.

The person below me knows where Mork is from.

Edit: Bwahaha! Reminiscing old people FTW! And A-Team and Baa Baa Black Sheep were both FTW, too.
Mork, the unfeeling because he has no feelings Orkian from Ork. Nanu, nanu!

Talk about reminicing. Along those line, the person below agree's Airwolf > Blue Thunder.
False. I hated A-Team. Night Rider I really never saw. It played on Friday nights and I was usually busy doing stuff not at home watching TV.

The person below me no thinks I am a communist for not liking the A-Team.
True. I pity the fool!

The person below me thinks Icthus was really spending his Friday nights watching Strawberry Shortcake and the Smurfs.
False. I used to play Breakout all the time on it!

The person below me knows what RPN is...and loves it. (if true ...big nerd)


The person below would like to see a current remake of the A Team, without the cheezyness.

I thought the cheezyness was part of the fun of A-team:P at least it sure seems cheesy when you watch it now.

The person below me liked to watch MASH
True, still one of my favorite shows of all time.

The person below me wishes I was playing tonight instead of going to small group.
True, I wish all of our members were playing tonight. That would be awesome!

The person below me still listens to '80s music.
True. Although other generations' music can be good too.

The person below me has a collection of different colored sharpies.
False....just had the dentist pull mine out. Yay for pregnancy wrecking your teeth! Although that was just 2....the other 2 haven't come through the gums yet....guess I'm not old enough. (ROFL)

The person below me knows if Orb Weaver spiders are poisonous or not.
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