The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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errrr False? For some reason I am very afraid for Mordos' mental health at the moment.

The person below me is aware that World of Warcraft is not actually realtiy.
False, although I have had quite a few A&W Root Beers.

The person below me ROFLed at Deuteronomy's above post like I did.
False. Don't see anything that funny. Except the fact that the person above him can't spell "reality".

The person below me will watch the PSU vs Notre Dame game on Saturday since it will be broadcasted on tv somewhere. (I forget what channel)
I meant this one:
Deuteronomy said:
False, it's not December 24th yet.


The person below me was just reminded to read the daily Bible scriptures, and is reading them now.

The person below has the heart of a 10 yearold, the mind of a 90 year and wishes they had the body of a 30 year old.
Falrue. More spam - contained to select threads. But good spam, conversational spam, not writing SPAM x 10000 and posting it. Like, write stories or something in the spam, tell chuck norris or [Lifestone] jokes

The person below me REALLY wants old posts to stop coming up.
Not sure, the times sometimes blend together giving off this effect of delusion. Huh… what? Where am I? oh, the person below me thread…

The person below me is up late working on Data Bases try to get these sp_ to run on a new system when they were written for an old system. (Wow that was to precise)
Let’s try again…

The person below me is going to a High School Football game tomorrow (or today).
True. On more than one occasion. My favorite story is one time a friend of mine was looking at the ground for quite awhile. I asked what he was doing, and he said he was looking for a four-leaf clover. I looked to my left and said, "Like this one?"

The person below me hates long-winded answers to a true or false question.

The person below me thinks this board provides them with the most interesting reading they get all day.
True. I usually LOL at at least 3x a day from these...until old posts come up.

The person below me saw a scorpion in their house last night!!!!
False.....they don't live here ...but you can find them less than an hour east of here...with the rattlesnakes.

The person below me thinks Nattyg screamed and stood on a chair when he saw the scorpion.
No comment. But I will have you know, I've killed many a scorpion since living out here, most just by stepping on them :) I think the first time *most* people see them, they just stay out of reach as much as possible...but after a while, you just squish them like regular bugs. Just make sure you squish REALLY hard...

The person below me wanted or wants to be an astronaut. Note, I didn't say space cadet, which I'm sure several of us already qualify as :)
False, I wanted to be a star fighter pilot like on Battlestar Galatica, but he orginal!

The person below me had nightmares about cylons.
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